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Cristina Tocco gave crude testimony after revealing that she was a victim of violence from her ex-partner

La noche de este domingo en Podemos Hablar, Cristina Tocco entregó un crudo testimonio tras revelar que fue víctima de violencia intrafamiliar.

Según contó la actriz, antes de llegar a Chile sufrió con una relación tormentosa en Argentina.

Venía emocionalmente quebrada”, partió diciendo.

Con respecto al hombre que la golpeó, la intérprete confesó: “Lo que pasa es que era cocainómano”.

“Bajo el efecto de esta droga, que yo ignoraba, algunas noches me apuntaba (con un arma) y me decía ‘te voy a matar’”, detalló.

“Yo no tenía la libertad de ir a una sesión de un psicólogo o ir al supermercado sola, era celópata (…) había cortado el cable del teléfono donde convivíamos para que no hablara con nadie y si yo iba a ver a mi familia tenía que ir con él”, explicó.

Cristina Tocco y duro testimonio tras ser víctima de violencia

In addition to this, the guest mentioned that, thanks to the support of a professional, she gained the strength to leave said relationship.

“Possibly, he doesn’t have as much support clinically speaking, but he was an Italian who loved his son intensely, in his code, he was never going to let him down, so he wasn’t going to go to prison not even for a while,” he said. and then added that this situation allowed him to leave the aggressor.

“The psychologist told me ‘He is not going to kill you because he is not going to risk his image in front of his son.‘. “That was a little bit of what I held on to the day I opened the apartment door (to leave),” she added.

Finally, Cristina Tocco revealed that at that moment she received the brutal threat from the subject.

“I didn’t care if he shot me, at that level they psychologically torture you, making you lose your self-esteem,” he reflected.

I left forever with a lot of effort, because if he called me, I had the intention of returning, what a shame to tell it, but it was like that, I was totally submitted.“, hill.

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