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Walter Mercado’s horoscope for today, Monday, June 10


Although more than four years have passed since the death of the renowned astrologer Walter Mercadohis legacy is still present for his followers thanks to the efforts of his niece, Dannette Benet Mercado. In the column published in The New Herald This Monday, June 10, Shanti Ananda’s former collaborator revealed the most recent predictions for each sign of the Zodiac.

Planetary energy favors you and, if you maintain a positive attitude, you will stand out more than ever. You will achieve happy agreements with your partner or family. You will be successful in media or investments. Important changes are coming in your life.

Avoid speculation in business. Carefully study each step and do not blindly trust others. Be cautious when signing documents and keep copies of your receipts. Caution will be your best ally at this time.

Don’t procrastinate on your tasks, as you could get caught up in the backlog of work. Simplify your life and organize your activities. Seek guidance from your beings of light if you have doubts. Act decisively to catch up on your responsibilities.

Continue with your plans and brilliant ideas, something very positive is yet to come.. Keep the faith and keep negative thoughts away. Seek support and approval, you will receive it. Even if there are critics, many more will offer you their support and help.

Be careful in love affairs, the stars warn of possible deception. Learn from your mistakes, even if they cause you disappointment. Don’t force situations and let everything flow naturally. Focus on taking care of your mental health.

You will recover what you lost unexpectedly. Successes and glories will be on your side, but some friends might show envy. Be serious and responsible in family and work matters. Stay calm and don’t be surprised by malicious comments.

It’s time to take risks in your job or profession. Leave complaints behind and open yourself to abundance. Ask the universe for what you want without reservation. Perform positive affirmations daily to attract progress, luck, health and love.

Take care of your personal space and do not allow abuse. Learn to say “no” when your privacy is invaded. Meeting with family or friends you haven’t seen in a while will help you relax. Relive good memories and enjoy close company.

Favorable changes are on the way. You will receive guidance in dreams and your intuition will be sharp. You will avoid complications, follow your hunches. Explore new fields such as sports, tourism, public service, design or decoration to develop yourself.

You will expand your horizons and stand out in art and technology. What you started long ago will bear fruit. Use recent lessons to better choose your partners and collaborators. Trust your talents and move forward with your projects.

Capricorn Horoscope

You will excel in art, business management and investments. Your communication is excellent, take the opportunity to ask for what you want. They value and respect you more than ever, which opens up new opportunities to increase your income.

You will feel free to love, create and live according to your heart. After past experiences, you will find clarity in your relationships. If you think about a new union, the stars will guide you. Go ahead with your romantic plans.


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