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Callejón exploded against LAM for the pay they paid her and Ángel de Brito struck her down


María Fernanda Callejón starred in an uncomfortable moment live, when he provided a mobile phone for THE M (America), from the Colón theater gala. The ex-vedette was consulted about her refusal to be part of the television series and she did not hesitate to point out the production; Not satisfied, she also shot Marixa Balli due to an old dispute and the note became very tense, to such an extent that the interviewee decided to abandon communication. Ángel de Brito did not hesitate to react on social networks.

On Monday night, due to the absence of her driver, Nazarena Vélez was in charge of THE M, which had a hectic day with live communications with famous guests at an important gala at the Colón theater. Among them, María Fernanda Callejón was found, who attended accompanied by her new boyfriend, Fernando Gamboa. In this context, the couple appeared in front of the cameras and it was she who spoke live with the “Angelitas”.

María Fernanda Callejón appeared live at LAM

“Kiss for LAM who say I charge a fortune to go,” It was Callejón’s comment that drastically changed the tone of the note. With a friendlier response, Nazarena asked if this rumor was true and received a forceful response: “For 65 thousand pesos I won’t leave my house. On top of that I have to pay for actors and they give me discounts. “The gasoline… in the Milei era, update the small values.”

Quickly, the host ended the topic by alluding to the fact that television costs are “fucked.” But the tense atmosphere continued at the moment when the interviewee was consulted about the conflict that Marixa Balli had weeks ago with Guillermo Coppola, after the panelist assured live that the representative “abandoned” María Fernanda when they had a car accident. in the 90s, which culminated in a strong back and forth between the two. When she was involved, the ex-vedette launched: “You defended me, but no one asked you. “Everything is fine again and it seems to me that everyone said what they felt.”

And he added: “Imagine that I experienced an accident from one place. You were by my side, of course, I already stated it. And well, if you accept, you come to the streaming and We talk about everything there, because the content is for me, now. Why not? Who works for free? These words generated an uncomfortable silence in the studio, and the host celebrated that she monetized her life stories. Lastly, she expressed her great affection for Balli.

However, the tense climate did not go unnoticed by “the Little Angels.” It was Cinthia Fernández who confronted her: Annoyed? Girls, sorry… It seems to me that you are a little rude, always with sticks. Are you mad at the show or something?” Visibly angry, she replied: “Well, you are divine. Bye, Naza I love you so much, we talked on the streaming… At that moment she proceeded to walk away from the camera without wanting to answer the chronicler’s questions, and she closed: “No, no, do they say I’m angry? Now I got angry”.

Meanwhile, on the floor, Cinthia did not hesitate to counterattack and assured that Ángel himself “hunger killed him” when he needed work. And finally, he again accused her of being rude. Immediately afterwards, the former star ended up entering the Colón theater, while the panelists remained silent.

Despite being on vacation, Ángel de Brito did not hesitate to react to such an episode that was seen live in the series. He did it through X’s account of him, where he usually reacts to various moments from show business, and of course, this time was no exception.

Ángel de Brito responded to María Fernanda Callejón (Capture

“Does 65,000 pesos for two hours of work seem not enough to you?”, he asked ironically. And he added, spicy: “It’s not even worth 65 cents.”. His reaction made evident his support for the production of the cycle, to whom he sometimes sends hints about certain decisions they make regarding what goes on air.


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