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Alex Brocca: Sisters of Alex Brocca arrive in Peru to confront Ernesto Pimentel: “We are already tired”

Sisters of Alex Brocca arrive in Peru to confront Ernesto Pimentel: “We’re tired.” (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

Strong and clear. In the recent edition of ‘Magaly TV La Firme’ This June 12, the host Magaly Medina exclusively presented the first statements of the sisters of Alex Brocca, Veronica and Jessicawho have reached Peru from Chili to face Ernesto Pimentel and express his deep annoyances and truths about the portrayal of his brother in the film ‘Chabuca’.

The tension became evident in their statements, full of pain and disappointment, as they claim that everything shown in the film that is on Netflix is ​​a lie, and that their mother is the first to suffer from this. For this reason, they have decided to go forward and confront the driver of ‘El Reventonazo de la Chola’.

“I met this person at a bad time. “It was the worst thing that could have happened to my brother, really, from the bottom of my heart,” Verónica Brocca began. “Definitely, I wonder why he had to cross the path of my brother, such a bad person,” it seems that the wounds have not yet healed in Alex’s family.

Sisters of Alex Brocca arrive in Peru to confront Ernesto Pimentel: “We’re tired.” (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

The Brocca sisters They decided to break their silence and speak openly, motivated by the deterioration of their mother’s health and the constant spread of ‘lies’ that, according to them, affect her memory and that of her brother. “Many people will ask: why now? We are tired of lies, of people talking about things that are not true. This began to affect my mother, and it is one of the factors that prompted us to talk,” he explained. Jessica.

Veronica and Jessica They also took the opportunity to announce the re-release of the book “Song of Pain”in which Alex Brocca narrates his relationship with Ernesto Pimentel during his youth. “We decided to relaunch the book because many people formally asked us to do so. The Blueprint Perú printing company contacted us to reprint it, and we do it to help people with the same illness as Alex and who are low-income,” they mentioned.

Furthermore, the sisters They indicated that they could bring the story to the big screen. “We have been contacted to make videos, plays or films. What people are asking for is a movie based on the book. If it happens, it would be purely based on the book,” they commented for the cameras. ‘Magaly TV La Firme’.

Sisters of Alex Brocca arrive in Peru to confront Ernesto Pimentel: “We’re tired.” (Capture: Magaly TV La Firme)

Today, pain and disappointment have taken hold of them as they see how their brother is portrayed in a film that presents him as lazy, interested and violent. This anguish has led them to want to throw away the newspaper clippings that they kept with appreciation for Ernesto, who they once considered part of their family. Now, they face the challenge of debunking the falsehoods and telling the truth about their brother’s life.

During the last live broadcast of the program ‘El Reventonazo de la Chola’, Ernesto Pimentel addressed for the first time the subject of Alex Brocca, who was his former romantic partner in the nineties. In a moment of sincerity and without his characteristic attire, the television host expressed his regret for the death of the dancer and assured that his film ‘Chabuca’ does not seek to dishonor his memory.

“More than 20 years have passed and I feel the same pain, the same fragility. I feel exposed, but I assume it’s also because of my decision to open my heart with ‘Chabuca‘. This is a film that tells what I have experienced, my great love for my mother and my grandmother, for Arequipa; that tells how grateful I am to you, who have allowed me to celebrate life for more than 30 years […] It is the most fragile act what I have done in my career,” he mentioned at the beginning.

Ernesto Pimentel referred to Alex Brocca in ‘El Reventonazo de la Chola’.

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