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The third sentencing vest of the Challenge 2024 is delivered to a team that was already waiting for the news

The members of Omega arrive home after winning the Sentencing and Wellness Challenge to debate which will be the third woman to be given the sentencing vest. Although they plan to take it to Alpha, they finally decide to go to Beta again.

Gaspar is chosen as emissary; so she carries the box with the dreaded garment inside to her opponent’s home, where she puts it on Karoline. The Super Human receives the news with good humor and promises to give her best in the Black Box.
See also: This is how they received Campanita del Desafío in Cali: The children danced to the rhythm of Omega’s anthem!

Darlyn thanked Glock in the 2024 Challenge for controlling herself in the face of Karoline’s attacks

Valentina recalled that Karoline insulted Glock after Marlon’s expulsion, and Darlyn, captain of the blue squad, highlighted her attitude: You had your time being rude at Gamma, but it’s your time to make that past go away. and that they see you as a competitor. Thank you very much for sticking around.”

Glock responded that she has made an effort not to respond to her rival and not fall into her games, since she knows that she is very confrontational and wants to change her image before the country.
Don’t miss: Photos: This former Desafío participant worked on La Fila, a Caracol Televisión program in 2014

Did Marlon make Glock cry at Challenge 2024?

Karoline mentioned that Glock finds the White Box a bit difficult, in response, Marlon assured that he was more stressed with her than with Darlyn who repeated the track several times.

Because of this, The former Gamma challenger could not hide her annoyance and made some gestures, in fact, There was a tear that she couldn’t hold back and she ended up quickly wiping it from her face.preventing his companions from noticing.

Valentina was the first to come to her defense and ensure that she did well, while the team captain remembered that on the court she told her: “I know you wanted me to do it faster.”. The young woman got up from the place and left, meanwhile, Marlon added that she was the one who asked them to tell her things, but by doing so she feels bad, so now she doesn’t know what to do.

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