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Ricardo Darín regretted that Alejandro Fantino had “changed” and returned a tremendous chicane

It took more than two months for the actor to respond to the journalist’s criticism, but his statements were forceful.

June 13, 2024, 7:22 p.m.

Ricardo Darín’s response to the strong accusations made against him by Alejandro Fantino. (Photo: Reuters / Instagram fantinofantino)

In mid-March, when the possible closure of INCAA was being debated, Ricardo Darin He stated his position and indicated how much it bothered him that attempts were made to establish that the artistic sector was one of those responsible for Argentina’s poverty. His statements had a lot of impact and Alejandro Fantino He did not hesitate to cross the air of his stream on the channel Neura. Now, More than two months later, the actor decided to answer the journalist.

The protagonist of The Secret in Their Eyes He was forceful and questioned some low blows from the driver, who highlighted some alleged contradictions between what he says and his lifestyle. Faced with these attacks, the artist did not hesitate to go out to the crossroads in the air. In the afternoon (America).

Read also: Ricardo Darín criticized the government of Javier Milei for the definancing of the INCAA: “It is a delirium”

It surprised me a little, but people change.. He didn’t owe me anything either.. I didn’t understand why, I never had a car that crashed into trees, like he said. It caught my attention, but let’s get out of here, if I didn’t respond at the time, I’m not going to do it now,” he said.

Ricardo Darín implied that the attacks on him would have been by people linked to the Government. (Photo: EFE)

Bringing him to the topic that generated the controversy, the reporter asked the interviewee about the great impact that his comments had about the Government’s policies could affect the audiovisual industry. “It seems that either what I meant was not well understood, or I did not know how to explain it, it could be… Basicallywhat I said is that holding artists responsible for long periods where the accounts do not close, seemed a bit perverse, reckless and unfair to me.”, answered Darín.

And he added: “It seems that this affected some vested interests and they said ‘cut off the bastard’s legs’ and they sent some guys to (do it)”. In that sense, she maintained that it bothered her that they misrepresented the purpose of his statements and lied about it.

In addition, he referred to the reality that his colleague Pablo Echarri is experiencing, who assured that he must sell dollars to make ends meet. “I think that happens to a lot of people, right? Because it is very difficult to escape what happened, with our country, unfortunately, for so many decades, that the refuge to try to preserve the value of your currency was having to go change it into dollars,” he concluded.

What Alejandro Fantino had said about Ricardo Darín

Alejandro Fantino He interpreted Ricardo Darín’s statements about the possible closure of INCAA as something “superb.” According to what he explained in his program streamthe journalist considered that the actor was putting cinema above other areas that had also represented the country in a very good way, such as science and sports.

On the other hand, he also questioned more personal things as a result of an old conversation they had in which the artist implied that only “I needed two hot showers a day” To feel good.

“I was grilled at some point for becoming this boy’s partner when we were on a note, And so that the grade would come out better and that he would come out better, he told me ‘I only like to take two showers with hot water a day.’“, and three days later I saw him playing at the Vilas Racquet club that I couldn’t enter with the BMW because it looked like the Pink Panther’s car the size it had,” Fantino said.

Alejandro Fantino criticized Ricardo Darín because he defended Argentine cinema: “It would be good if they took off their mask”

Then, as a joke, he did not hesitate to remember the viral phrase of the protagonist of Argentina, 1985: “Hey… I would only be missing the two hot water showers. And he added: “A lot of smoke, I don’t eat a single one anymore, and besides, I know almost all of them. What they fucking told me about, for years I was seen as the paradigm of capitalism, like ‘how are you going to tell Darín that, what a life lesson did he give you’ and I wanted to kill myself!”.

“He said it after 6 years… he stole her with that for a long time. You know the number of airports where they must have greeted him ‘You are a people, two hot showers’… what do you want me to say to you,” she stated.

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