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Evangelina Anderson’s excitement over her daughter Lola’s school achievement: “I like who you are becoming”

Evangelina Anderson’s emotion with her daughter Lola’s school achievement (Video @evangelinaanderson)

Evangelina Anderson He is among the most active figures on social networks, whether to show part of his work or scenes from his daily life. In this regard, this Thursday, she told how her daughter Lolathe second one he had with Martin Demichelisfinished part of his school year and received a medal at an event at the school he attends.

Through a series of videos that she shared on her Instagram account, we could see the moment in which Lola was summoned to the stage and received a medal from her teachers. “5A Presentation of certificates and medals“, read on a poster surrounded by flags from different countries around the world. After receiving the recognition, the girl posed for a photo while she was captured by Eva, who let out a cry of encouragement and emotion.

In another scene, Lola was seen standing in front of a lectern and saying a few words in English that were received with enthusiasm by her classmates, students’ parents, teachers and other guests. “Do you want to have fun?” She asked the audience, who responded in chorus “yes.” “Before going to the party I want to say something: thank you to all the families for coming,” the girl added and asked for a special applause for all the graduates.

I like who you’re becoming, Lola”Wrote Evangelina as the epigraph to the publication. “May you know that I will always be with you so that your wishes come true and no matter how old you get, I will hold your candle.. I love you. “I am very proud of you,” added the jury of The 8 Steps (El Trece) moved by the achievement.

Evangelina Anderson and her daughters in The 8 Steps

Recently, in the program hosted by Guido Kazcka, the wife of the technical director of River Plate surprised by inviting Lola and Emma, ​​her other daughter, on the air. After greeting the two finalists, Victoria and Federico, Eva made a brief introduction to anticipate what was going to happen: “I always dance, you see? But when I dance to a modern song, my children say I cringe.“, he expressed mischievously, referring to the term that children and adolescents use to say that it is embarrassing.

“It happens to me with the most modern themes, those from the ’80s and not the ’90s,” the model continued. “So, since today I was playing a modern song, I asked them to come and dance, Lola and Emma with her friends Alina and Emma.” The girls entered the studio amidst general applause and she began to play the music from “No se se” that she put on to dance at five.

The question asked about the Argentine artist who sang the song. The options were María Becerra, Cazzu, Nathy Peluso and the correct one, Emilia Mernes, to which both participants responded positively. But this remained an anecdote, after the tender moment that the girls starred in.

Evangelina excited about Lola’s achievement (Photo/@evangelinaanderson)

Since she settled in Buenos Aires at the end of 2022, after 15 years in Europe, Evangelina had to reorganize her life with Demichelis and her daughters. In this sense, they decided to enroll the girls in a prestigious educational establishment located in Buenos Aires, which follows a mixed learning program between American and Argentine. This educational choice allows students a different modality regarding the school calendar.

In contrast to the traditional Argentine educational system, the institution offers an unconventional school vacation structure, where the longest period of recess occurs in the middle of the year. This means that, unlike their peers, the minors continue in the same grade in which they enrolled at the beginning of 2023 until this change point is reached.

The Demichelis family chose the Lincoln Schools Association not only for its bicultural educational approach but also for the high-level facilities and amenities it offers, such as a swimming pool and sports fields. “For everyone who asks me, the girls go to an international school here in Argentina. Their calendar is different, as is the educational system. For this reason, classes started last Friday. “The long vacations will be in the middle of the year and it is at that time of the year that they move on to the next school grade,” Evangelina said last February.

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