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Earthquake in Chilevisión: they filter what no one imagined about Anita Alvarado and “Big Brother”

Written in ENTERTAINMENT he 6/13/2024 · 6:31 p.m.

Chilevisión is in one of the last stages of production of “Big Brother” and it is estimated that the cycle will air during the beginning of the second half of 2024. Within this framework, information was leaked regarding the participants, which includes several celebrities, although there was one name that caught everyone’s attention: that of Anita Alvarado.

Let us remember that in this edition of “Big Brother”, Chilevisión products decided to incorporate a total of 20 participants. This will include 10 people who do not work or are linked to the media, while 10 will be television figures or powerful influencers, among whom could be Anita Alvarado.

Anita Alvarado. Source: (Google).

According to a list shared by El Filtrador, Paula Nin, Iván Cabrera, Gabriele Benni, Sebastián Ramírez and the exgeisha, are some celebrities who They could be part of the second edition of this format international. How much truth is there in this?

Anita Alvarado. Source: (Google).

The truth about Anita Alvarado

Although they are rumors and nothing is confirmed, it is very likely that some names are true. At the moment the only information there is is Anita Alvarado, since sources close to his family explained his situation. According to his statements, It is highly unlikely that she will accept the proposal. to participate in “Big Brother”, if there is one.

It is very unlikely that she will accept Chilevisión’s proposal.

Anita Alvarado. Source: (Google).

These people highlighted that Anita Alvarado He is going through a great time, with many commitments outside of television, so he would prioritize these activities before locking himself into a reality show. Likewise, they rule out what could be a very striking figure for the CHV cycle that is soon to be released.

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