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Graciela Alfano was trapped in the middle of a storm in Miami: “I don’t know what is going to happen”

The drama of Graciela Alfano when she was trapped in a storm (Video: Instagram)

Graciela Alfano, who resides in USA For some time now, she has been known for her activity on social networks where she frequently shares her life on the beaches of the northern hemisphere. However, in the last few hours, the model generated great concern among her followers by reporting, through her Instagram stories, that she had been trapped in the middle of a storm.

“Hello everyone here from Miami. It seems there is a hurricane in the Gulf and it is passing through Florida. I do not know what is going to happen, but they wait in Miami for it to happen. For now, there is tremendous rain, look at what the sea is like. Incredible, very closed,” Graciela expressed in a video.

In the same filming, the artist showed what everything looked like from her balcony, with a completely gray and windy sky while the sea seemed extremely turbulent and restless. The image of the storm reflected the intensity of the climatic phenomenon that was passing through the region.

For everyone’s peace of mind, hours later Graciela communicated again through her social networks to report that the storm had calmed down and that she was even able to return to the beach to enjoy her rest. “Everything has calmed down now, thank God. “We were able to go back to the beach to enjoy the day,” he communicated, bringing relief to his followers who were worried about his well-being.

Meanwhile, Graciela Alfano continues to share her days in Miami, showing both the moments of leisure and the unforeseen events that can occur in any corner of the world.

Graciela Alfano on the beaches of Miami (Video: Instagram)

a little less than a year ago Graciela Alfano surprised by revealing that he faced serious health challenges that included a diagnosis of kidney cancer which led to the removal of the tumor and the affected organ, followed by a second surgery related to a thyroid problem. These events marked a significant period in his life, which he faces with resilience.

Despite the adversities, Alfano shared his experience during an interview with Catalina Dlugi on the radio show Hold on Catalina (The Once Ten). During the conversation, the ex-vedette recalled how these challenges impacted her and revealed that, despite dedicating her life to taking care of her health, good nutrition, exercise and yoga, since she considers her body as an essential tool in her career, he found himself facing a life or death situation Completely unexpected. In that context, she compared it to a tsunami, reflecting the magnitude of the emotional and physical impact that these experiences left on her.

Graciela Alfano talked about cancer

“What we can do is define the way, how we are going to go through what life presents to us. I had a very silent type of cancer, because one can have the blood parameters very well, but it is seen on an ultrasound. For this reason, I want to highlight how good preventive medicine is, I hope all of society can really have access,” he stated.

According to Graciela, taking care of herself throughout her life helped her cope better with this disease. “For me it was very unexpected, but the doctor told me: ‘Thanks to the fact that you are in the good condition you are in, we were able to put you in an operating room in a week and resolve all this.’ Because let’s not forget that I am 70 years old, I am a big, elderly lady. They took almost 900 grams between my kidney and the tumor, because this type of cancer grows from the inside out, so they had to remove my entire kidney,” he highlighted.

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