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predictions from June 17 to 23, 2024 for all signs

He weekly horoscope from June 17 to 23, 2024 announces this astrological panorama: the Sun and Mercury are in tension with Neptune, on Thursday the Sun enters the sign of Cancer and the winter solstice begins. Additionally, Mercury also enters Cancer and is conjunct with Venus and in harmony with Mars. On Friday night we will have the first of the two full moons that will occur in the sign of Capricorn.

He change of solar energy We will feel it very clearly: from a light season, loaded with information but light, we will move on to the first water sign of the zodiac, a sensitivity that takes us to home, home-cooked food and only good company.

The Sun and Mercury in tension with Neptune will bring us moments of great confusion, idealizations, fantasy, dissociations and fogs. We will have to be careful not to get carried away by the charm of words or fall for deception or scams. It is better not to make very important decisions if we are not completely sure.

Emotions will be high starting Thursday, but with the tension of Neptune they could be misinterpreted. The signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces They will have to be more careful of the effects of Neptune.

The first full Moon in Capricorn (we will have two consecutive ones) occurs in tension with Neptune, inviting us to a kinder way, compassionate and empathetic to relate to all the life around us. We will have to apply that same look to our parents, family, place of origin and our personal roots.

Weekly horoscope for Aries

The week will be marked by Marsruler of Aries, in harmony with Mercurywhich will allow them to flow in home, family and moving matters, organize their economic and material resources.

From Wednesday The energy will be available to flow in projects and new challenges, movements, short and long trips, studies and learning.

Aries, this week you will be able to make progress in moving or home matters. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

He Friday The full Moon brings you movements, cycle closures and falling chips in your professional and work world and great personal goals. Take the opportunity to observe what forms and structures need to be modified, improved, committed and responsible.

Weekly horoscope for Taurus

The week begins with Venus, ruler of Taurus, conjunct with Mercury, giving them a predisposition to relate and communicate your ideas and emotions. Attention! You will also have to inhabit the lack of clarity that will be present throughout the week due to Neptune.

Taurus, Mars gives you will and focus. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Mars in your sign In harmony with Mercury it gives you the will and focus to advance your plans, study matters, communication, papers and signatures, trips and transfers.

On Friday, the full Moon will bring you clarity and culminations to his world of travel, moving, foreign affairs, legal issues, studies and spiritual searches. Take advantage of the moment to review internal dialogues and limiting beliefs. The Moon invites you to become more confident and optimistic.

Weekly horoscope for Gemini

The week begins with Mercury, ruler of Gemini, in tension with Neptune and conjunct with Venus, inviting you to lower the demands and idealizations to be able to enjoy and appreciate your present.

Gemini, don’t rush when making important decisions. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Avoid making very important decisions If you are not completely sure, Mercury slows down and invites you to organize your economic and material resources, take care of your body and nutrition.

On Friday the Full Moon will bring clarity, movements and culminations to your world of shared resources, coexistence, couples and partners, debts and taxes. Evaluate what improvements you can make in their way of generating resources.

Weekly horoscope for Cancer

The week starts with Mercury entering its signCancer, giving them greater focus on their individual issues, intelligence and discernment to communicate and relate.

On Thursday the Sun enters its sign Giving you energy, vitality, magnetism and recognition, your Venus-favored charm will open the doors you decide to knock on.

Cancer, be careful with exaggerating your reactions. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

They will have to have be careful with tension between the Sun and Mercury with the planet Neptune that could exaggerate their decisions, emotions and reactions as well as generate a lack of clarity and confusion.

On Friday the full moon It will bring clarity, movement and completion to your world of relationships, especially to couples and partners. Review what needs to be improved in the way you connect with others.

Weekly horoscope for Leo

The week begins with the energy available to attend to your needs and those of your home, Leo, without neglecting your commitments and responsibilities with your projects and work matters.

Leo, your energy is poured into the home. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

On Thursday the Sun in tension with Neptune enters your sensitive world, inviting you to have greater be careful with your emotions. They will be prone to misunderstandings and disagreements, especially with their peers, groups and friends.

On Friday the full Moon will bring clarity, movements and culminations to your health area and body care. Maybe they finish a treatment or see the results of their habits; Lunation also affects your professional area and your relationship with colleagues and colleagues.

Weekly horoscope for Virgo

The week begins with Mercury, ruler of Virgo, in tension with Neptune and conjunct with Venus, inviting you to take care of your responses and reactions to others. Avoid decisions, agreements and firms important, especially with your partner or partners.

Virgo, focus your attention on your relationships. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

The entry of Mercury into the sign of Cancer brings its focus to the world of relationships with groups and friendships. It is an ideal transit for nurture your linksorganize outings and meetings, oxygenate your mind and creativity.

On Friday the full Moon will bring you clarity, movements and closures to your world of projects and children, searches, movements and individual trips. Review what you need to give more structure, commitment and responsibility to.

Weekly horoscope for Libra

The week begins with Mercury conjunct Venus, ruler of Libra, giving you greater discernment to plan your most important personal goals. They will have the charm necessary to convince through his words.

They will be favorable days to work on your self-esteem, organize and improve your financial resources and materials.

Libra, words are in your favor to convince and influence. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

On Friday the full Moon will bring clarity, movements and culminations to your home and family matters, you will be able achieve greater maturity and individual support, carry out moves and improvements. Tonight, notice familiar patterns that you may be repeating, it is a good time to cut the cord that keeps you clinging to the past.

Weekly horoscope for Scorpio

The week begins with the Moon in its sign, Scorpio, giving them priority, sensitivity and magnetism to focus on your individual needs and desires. Starting Wednesday they will be able to focus on their economic world, improve their income and make purchases and exchanges.

Scorpio, from Wednesday, focus your attention on the economy. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

On Friday the Full Moon will bring you clarity, movements and culminations in your area of ​​signatures and agreements, procedures, legal matters, travel, commerce and transfers, technology and communication.

Take advantage of Friday night to review your relationship with siblings and neighbors, how you communicate, what your internal dialogues and inherited limiting beliefs are.

Weekly horoscope for Sagittarius

The week begins with the energy available to attend to your internal world, Sagittarius. The Moon invites you to look at your emotions And, to do this, it will be appropriate to be alone or in silence, review your personal issues and order your priorities.

Sagittarius, the Moon invites you to evaluate your resources. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Wednesday afternoon Moon enters its signgiving them priority, sensitivity and magnetism to focus on their individual needs and desires, take care of their body, nutrition and rest.

On Friday the full moon will bring clarity to your resource area economic and material. They will be able to change or improve their way of generating and investtake the opportunity to observe your self-esteem and self-worth.

Weekly horoscope for Capricorn

The week begins with energy focused on your projects In the medium and long term, Capricorn, you will be able to review your plans, oxygenate your ideas, and work together to achieve better results.

Capricorn, the full Moon in your sign illuminates your identity. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Starting Wednesday, before the full Moon, you will feel a greater increase in your sensitivity and permeability, it will be favorable look for moments of meditation and silence, reorder your priorities and get a good rest.

On Friday the full Moon in your sign will bring clarity, movements and culminations to your identity, great individual decisions, image and style. Use this time to ask yourself what you want to improve in your lives.

Weekly horoscope for Aquarius

The week begins with the energy available to attend to your professional and work world, Aquarius, advance projects, improve your methods and resources, take on challenges.

Aquarius, the week is ideal for taking on challenges. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Starting Wednesday you will be able to flow in your social relationshipsfriendships, collaborative projects and associations, creative, technological and communication-related issues.

On Friday the full Moon will bring clarity, movements and culminations to your internal and emotional world. Areas related to service and care of others. They will be able to realize which stories they are still hooked on. Use the night to detect limiting family patterns.

Weekly horoscope for Pisces

The week starts with Mercury in tension with its ruler, Neptune, inviting you to take care of how you communicate with yourselves and others. It is a good time to enhance your intuition with your logical mind, but you will have to give yourself the necessary space to do so.

Pisces, be cautious with your words this week. Photo: Shutterstock illustration

On Thursday the Sun in tension with Neptune will illuminate your emotional needs and family matters. It is necessary that they observe and accept them to mature their sensitive intelligence.

Are uncomfortable days for youthey will have to be patient, avoid making big decisions and talking too much.

On Friday the full moon in tension with Neptune will bring clarity, movement and closure to your world of group projects, friendships, creative matters and long-term goals. Use these days to review what can they improve in their way of relating or executing plans together.

By Fernando Tarragona, astrologer and astrology teacher. IG: @fer_marte

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