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Roberto Pettinato broke the silence and spoke about the judicial situation of his son Felipe

Roberto Pettinato (68) referred for the first time to the penalty for simple sexual abuse that the Justice ruled for his son Felipe (31). “It’s the typical family quilombo,” he said.

At the end of April this year, the driver’s youngest son He was sentenced to nine months in prison suspended after being found guilty of abusing a minor in March 2018.

The victim, at the time of the incident, I was a 14 year old teenager and relative of the then couple Felipe.

Now, Roberto broke the silence and revealed how the family received the news of this sentence.

In a note with Show Partners (El Trece at 10:30), he assured: “This is the typical family quilombo that everyone has, somewhere, with other characteristics; but there is always a quilombo. And well, one lives it the best one can. “We’re not laughing our asses off.”

Regarding the health of the 31-year-old young man, Pettinato Sr. specified: “Felipe is very well. He is still hospitalized. But it is very good. He really he’s a very good patient.”

Regarding the sentence imposed on his son, the musician explained: “In some programs they believe that ‘Los Pettinato’ are… “They believed that we had the power to speak to Justice.”

Roberto Pettinato referred to the complaint for which his youngest son was convicted.

In that sense, Nancy Duré asked If he was scared about what might happen in the other case that Felipe is involved in the death of a doctor in a fire. “No,” answered the former Sumo.

“Do you know what happened that night?” the panelist wanted to know. “No andor I regret that no one knows except the Prosecutor that suddenly, he grabs and says: ‘He killed him’ and leaves,” he responded.

“How crazy! How quickly he figured it out because there is evidence that no one killed anyone,” he said with an ironic tone.

Roberto Pettinato spoke about the harassment complaints against him

Then, the journalist changed the subject and asked him about the different accusations that have been leveled against him by co-workers over the past few years.

“That is a very serious mistake because “One thing is to denounce and another is to point out,” the driver differentiated.

“There was never a complaint because I was stuck in court for years waiting for the complaints,” he said about those accusations.

Roberto Pettinato denied the harassment accusations against him.

About this, Nancy asked him: “Would you have liked them to denounce you to prove that you were innocent?”

“Yes, obviously, tell me what happened, I worked with millions of people in 25 years of television and there are thousands who love me and others who don’t.“he assured.

Then, when talking about work ties, he defined: “Man and woman continue to relate, unfortunately, in the same way.”

Roberto Pettinato denied having harassed former co-workers.

Finally, Duré wanted to know if he had contacted any of his former colleagues when hearing the accusations against him. “The one I called knows that I called her and she doesn’t say it either.”… I don’t hit one, not even calling it,” he closed without giving names.

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