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“Chanta, carbonero and stocking sucker”: Gala sweeps Luis Mateucci during activity in Win or Serve | TV and Show

During an activity where the members of “Win or Serve“they had to label their classmates with qualifying adjectives, Gala Caldirola took advantage of attacking Luis Mateucci.

The Spaniard called the trans-Andean man “chanta”, “carbonero”, “sucker”, “egoist” and other negative adjectives, which, according to her, fit the reality boy perfectly.

“At first it seemed like we were having a good vibe, but the truth is I don’t understand your attitudes at all. I find that you are super titmouse because you put a good face forward but you’re putting shit in behind (sic)”, Gala told Luis when passing him the labels.

Gala sweeps Luis Mateucci in “Win or Serve

“You are one of those who throws the stone and hides the hand, you’re falling like everyone’s ass (sic),” Caldirola continued, while the Argentine heard her and looked straight ahead.

“’Chupamedias’, because I feel that You lick Oriana’s ass a lot because you would be nothing without her (sic)”, the Spanish woman launched, and then continued stoning Mateucci in front of all the members of the reality show.

Furthermore, Gala told Luis that he was the first to criticize everyone when in reality he was “a blackmailer because he didn’t have the balls to say things to his face”.

“’Cahuinero’ for the same reason; because you are always talking and copulating and putting shit into discussions (sic)”, the model continued, in a dynamic that seemed to never end.

Caldirola continued to lash out at Luis, also treating him as “liar and selfish”. “You’re going to end up hurting Dani, the other Dani, everyone. Everything you touch you damage“, the Spanish woman launched at him, already unleashing the Argentine’s anger who ended up responding with the same confrontational tone.

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