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The valuable advice of María Asunción Aramburuzabala, the richest woman in Mexico, to lead your children on the path of good

María Asunción Aramburuzabala Larregui, considered the richest woman in Mexico, has a fortune of more than USD 6 billion.

María Asunción Aramburuzabala She is the richest woman in Mexico, because He has a fortune estimated at USD 6.3 billion. This also positions her as the fifth richest person in the country, behind Carlos Slim Helú, Germán Larrea Mota Velasco, Ricardo Salinas Pliego and the Bailléres family.

María Asunción Aramburuzabalawho is one of the heirs of Model groupand who is currently in charge of Tresalia Capital, has been interviewed on some occasions. Two of them have been with the speaker, investor and business advisor Oswaldo Bear Trava. In one of those interviews, carried out at an event where there was an audience, María Asunción, also known as Mariasún by her close friends and family, was asked, What advice would I give, as a mother of three men, to guide them towards good?

Given this, the millionaire businessman said that she He recommended that it be made clear that parents are not friends, but that they are parents. “I believe that the truth, what I told my children, is: you have to learn that, the truth is, I have a very close relationship with them, I love them very much, like all parents love our children, but the TRUE, What we have to know is to be parents, we are not their friends, we are their parents, So when the kid starts to come out a little bit, “You have to return it, you have to know how to guide, you have to know how to direct, you have to know how to discipline,” he expressed.

The businesswoman said that it must be made clear that parents are not friends of their children. Photo: Cuartoscuro

Said If parents let everything happen, things can end well, or end badly. “I think that, the truth is, what I would advise you is, first of all, It is that you do have a very close relationship with your children, but also that you play your role as a mother, that you know how to guide them, that you know how to guide them, that you know how to carry them, because even if they don’t want to admit it, you know more than them.”

He said that, finally, the parents They seek the good of their children, and no one will seek their good more than they. “The first is to really take the role of mom, not a friend, because once you take the role of friend, they have to like you, and Sometimes the things you have to do as a parent are not going to go down well, no way, there is a need to do it and we do it.”he concludes.

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