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The film by the director of “When Evil Stalks” that caught Guillermo del Toro and Spielberg

People who disappear without leaving traces, dead people who return from their graves, voices heard in water drains, invisible entities that murder people, magnetic movements that have no explanation.

Before the premiere of When evil lurks which leads the ranking of the most viewed movies on Netflix, Demian Rugna The film premiered in 2018 Terrified which you currently find in the Prime Video catalog.

The film takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and narrates chilling events that affect several residents of a town. The argument of Terrified follows the residents of a neighborhood, who experience paranormal events of increasing intensity. clearone of the neighbors, listens strange sounds coming from the pipes of your house. Her suspicions are confirmed when she reveals to her husband Juan that those voices were planning to kill her. The situation becomes even more chilling when Juan discovers the inert body of clear levitating in his bathroom, slamming violently against the walls by an invisible force.

another neighbor walter, also faces disturbances when unseen forces move his furniture in the middle of the night. Using a video camera, Walter captures the image of a tall naked figure emerging from under his bed and hiding in the closet. These recordings come into the hands of the Dr. Albrecka specialist in paranormal phenomena, who begins to investigate the anomalies in Walter’s house.

The body of Alicia’s son returned from the cemetery on his own feet. (Credit: Prime Video)

Across the street, Alicia deal with the tragic death of his young son, hit by a bus. The disturbing return of the boy’s corpse to his house, leaving a trail of muddy footprints, prompts the arrival of the paranormal investigator. Janus and the police commissioner, Funes. They decide to return the body to the cemetery, although they initially place it in an outside freezer.

The film also introduces Rosentockanother expert in the paranormal, who collaborates with Jano and Albreck in the investigation of Juan, who is confined in a psychiatric center accused of the murder of his wife. Assuring Juan that they believe his story, they gain permission to explore his house.

The film made a notable impact during its limited release in approximately 80 rooms at the national level. According to data published by EFEin its first weekend it reached 10 thousand spectators, managing to enter the top 10 of the most viewed films in Argentina. This figure increased to more than 20 thousand spectators in subsequent weeks, placing it as the fourth film by Argentine terror highest grossing of all time, behind “You won’t sleep” from the same year.

The film “Terrified” by Demián Rugna received very positive reviews. (Credit: Prime Video)

The cast of Terrified includes Maximiliano Ghione as Funes, Norberto Gonzalo as Janus, Elvira Onetto as the Dr. Albreck, George L. Lewis As the Dr. Rosentock, Julieta Vallina as Alicia, Demián Salomón as walter, Agustín Rittano as Juan, Natalia Señorales as clear, Matias Rascovschi As the childand Lorenzo Langer as Patrick.

He positive impact of the film and its critical reception motivated Rugna to announce a sequel titled Terrified 2. Expectations are high among fans of the horror genre who expect a continuation just as overwhelming.

The success of the production caught the attention of acclaimed director Guillermo del Toro, who contacted Rugna to propose making a new version of the film adapted for the North American market. According to Del Toro, what impressed him most about Terrified was the film’s ability to scare and generate fear, as well as praising Rugna’s ability to tell stories.

Guillermo del Toro contacted Rugna to propose a new version of “Aterrados”. (Credit: Prime Video)

The team for this new version includes original producer Fernando Díaz and Argentine actor Demian Salomón, while Del Toro will be the producer through Fox Searchlight. Sacha Gervasi will be in charge of adapting the dialogues. Although there is still no set date for the release, Rugna highlighted that working with a multinational and having the support of Del Toro will allow the film to have global distribution.

The news is complemented with the information that Steven Spielberg also showed interest in Terrified, as Rugna commented. This represents an important recognition for Argentine horror and fantasy cinema, which continues to consolidate and professionalize.

You can add this film to your choice if you were one of those who immersed yourself fully in the dark history of When evil lurks that you find on Netflix.

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