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Science applied to cocktails! A bartender surprises Manuel Carrasco with his five specialties

In this program The Anthill We have had with us one of the best bartenders in the world: Giacomo Giannotti. Born in Carrara, Italy, he grew up in the family ice cream shop and discovered his passion for mixology.

Mixology is the art and science of mixing alcoholic beverages in a creative and balanced way to create unique cocktails. Unlike simply preparing drinks, mixology is considered (by some) to be an art form.

He trained as a bartender in London before moving to Barcelona, ​​where he opened Paradiso in 2015, considered the best bar in the world in 2022 by The World’s 50 Best Bars, and Galileo in 2020. Giannotti also created Paradiso Lab and sustainable projects. He has received numerous awards, including “Best Bartender in Spain” in 2017 and “Best Italian Bartender Abroad” in 2019.

In front of the guest, Manuel Carrasco, he has taught different cocktails in which his love for science and scientific experimentation is appreciated:

  • KRYPTONITE: Version Contains riboflavin (vitamin B12), which fluoresces under UV light.
  • ON FIRE: With a powerful laser, we can combust one that is inside a spherical flask whose mouth is submerged in water. Combustion will consume all the oxygen in the air cavity, generating a low pressure that “sucks” the liquid in which the flask is submerged. .
  • TESLA: A small Tesla coil at the base generates visual patterns in the glass because it has a small wall of low-pressure gas inside that is ionized by the electromagnetic field variations generated by the coil (as if it were a fluorescent light tube.
  • CLOUD: We create a coffee foam with Helium, so it floats.
  • NAZCA: Chlorophyll changes color under UV light because it absorbs this light, excites its electrons, and upon returning to its original state, emits visible light, generally red, in a process called fluorescence.

The madness of Manuel Carrasco in El Hormiguero

Manuel Carrasco has been the guest of this program, a few days before closing his tour with a concert at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium. The appointment is already one of the great milestones in his entire career, as he told Pablo Motos. Furthermore, he has revealed that he has a surprise prepared: with those who dare to ask his partner to marry him.

The idea has been so well received that it has exceeded all expectations. As the minutes passed, the number of requests has grown to limits that have surprised the artist.

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