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‘Only he thought he looked pretty’

Daniel Calderón has a long career in the artistic world. The man is the vocalist of the Vallenata group Los Gigantes, which has given hits such as: ‘Infiel’, ‘How dare you’, ‘Qué le diré al corazón’, among others.

At 39 years old, the countryman surprised his thousands of followers through a publication on Instagram. According to what has been seen, Iván Calderón’s son decided to make a radical change in his ‘look’ in order to give a new touch to his professional career.

Daniel wore his hair to shoulder length for two years, a style that caused him to receive criticism, as he stated in the video.

The singer was initially seen in the ‘clip’ with his hair down and straight. Very excited, he arrived at the appointment he had with the stylist, who began to style his hair little by little.

Daniel Calderón surprised with a change of ‘look’

The final result is a cut very similar to that of his musical beginnings, something that was liked by his fans and they did not hesitate to express it in the comments.

“Today I close a stage in my life! Cutting my hair and making a change of look in my 20-year artistic career as Daniel Calderón means much more than simply changing my physical appearance,” said the singer.

“It is a symbolic step towards personal and professional evolution and growth. In the artistic field, image is a crucial part of how I present myself to the public and how they perceive me and this new change comes in a new episode of my life. The I love family and thank you for accompanying me in every process. They tell me how the change turned out,” he added.

“Only he thought he looked pretty”, “Baby, it looked horrible on you”, “It was the best you could have done hahahaha”, “Much better with short hair. Successes always and I love your music”, “The Daniel Calderon that I knew” , “At least long hair doesn’t take away his talent, it does take away his beauty, but not his talent”, “Now yes, he looked the same as when he was young and handsome in the beginning”, “You look much better”, were some of the reactions from the Internet users.




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