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The most unusual outcome of a date in ‘First Dates’. “We make a good trio”

Sara wants a rich boyfriend, Álvaro loves to make mysterious poses and Usu claims that before he was a shark in love

Sarah He came back after the pumpkins of the last date on ‘First Dates’, and this time he had double success: he liked both Álvaro and Usu and the grotesque date ended in the best possible way.

where two fit

Sara is 24 years old, lives in Madrid, works as a stocker and studies Psychology. “I don’t like getting up early to work, I want an easy life” she explained to justify that she was looking for a rich guy. When she entered, Carlos Sobera revealed to her that I was going on a double date, with two different guys.

The first was Álvaro, 21 years old, artist, model, soccer referee and Valencian. When he came in, He suddenly started singing and dancing And Sara was very embarrassed. So much so that in the end she decided to get up and made to leave: “I’m leaving, it seems disrespectful to me”.

“If you have money, I forgive you” she finally agreed. “I have a hip movement that you won’t believe” Alvaro answered. Sara complimented her “Chinese pearl necklace”, he assured her that she had bought it online and demonstrated her modeling skills by striking poses.

The faces, Juan, the faces

When he confessed that he loved it Avril LavigneSara reacted by telling him the theories of his alleged death: “Her grandfather died, she went into depression and they found her dead. They replaced her with another, who had the same tattoos and her teeth sharpened.”

After telling him that he looked like Bustamante, it was the turn of the second date: Alberto “Usu”, 29 years old, from Madrid, salesman and singer: “I’m dead with girls, I’m pitiful. I used to be a shark”. When he saw Sara, he noticed that her lipstick was smudged and he thought the worst: “she has eaten the other one.”

Sara ended the date on the ground

After confessing that she had smudged it just to troll, Sara got dollar signs in her eyes when she heard that Usu was from Andorra: “I’m not bisexual, but for 30 euros I could be”. After having a pleasant date, Sara and the other two boys went to the booth to finish dinner.

Seeing them so sweet while eating the dessert, Sara asked them if the two of them would end up making out: “Well, maybe,” Usu answered. “We make a good trio and we would be a good loving couple” she admitted. In the final decision, Sara said that she wanted a second date with both of them and they were fine with it.

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