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What Emma Vich’s boyfriend said after the viralization of a very sweet video of him with Tomasito Süller

A video that circulated in the last few hours could end the relationship between Nico Suar and Emma Vichthe participant of Big Brother (Telefe). In the images released by Firsts Now, He is seen kissing with Tomasito Süller in a bar and then very lovey-dovey on top of a car.

It turns out that the soldier and the media man met on the night of Thursday, June 20, in a bowling alley in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo. Over there They were very affectionate in front of everyone. However, apparently the situation got out of hand.

Read also: Tomasito Süller clarified the video of the kisses with Emma’s husband from “Big Brother”: what he said

There are two videos: in one you can see them smiling and hugging inside the nightclub, they both look at the camera and Tomasito repeatedly tries to kiss her on the mouthbut Nico laughs, runs his face and tells him no.

In the video you can see Nico very affectionate with Tomasito at the bowling alley. (Video: First Fruits Now)

In the other video, Süller is seen on top of a car in the darkness of the night kissing a young man who in profile appears to be Emma Vich’s husband. However, Nico He denied it through his social networks.

“This is going to be the only story I’m going to dedicate to this, I’m not the one in the car video. The rest is clear that there was no kiss. The end,” the soldier wrote on his Instagram account hours after the clip went viral, ignoring the infidelity attributed to him.

Nico denied being the person kissing Tomasito in the video. (Photo: Instagram/@nicolinosua -@emmavichh)

However, Nico’s story does not coincide with what Tomasito Süller stated exclusively with TN showsince the media assumed that something happened between them, although he played it down by saying that Emma would surely take it with humor.

The word of Tomasito Süller after the leak of his video with Nico Suar

After the dissemination of the controversial material published by Firstfruits Now, TN Show He contacted Tomasito Süller to find out his version. Indeed, the media confirmed that Nico and Nico have known each other since Córdoba and began to frequent each other since a local television cycle, Emma’s husband commented that Süller was “his platonic love.” With this in mind, the aforementioned stated: “I like him. “I thought they had an open relationship.”

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Regarding the images that came to light, the influencer assured that neither he nor the stylist’s partner had in mind being exposed on social networks, and decided to clarify terms by exposing the person responsible. “A friend filmed us. The thing is that he sent it to his girlfriend and she scattered them everywhere, that wasn’t the idea, I mean, it was between us.”lament.

Tomasito Süller broke the silence about his kissing videos with Emma’s husband from Big Brother: “He deserves someone like me” (Photo: Instagram / elgrantomasito, emmavichh)

At another point in the conversation, the stylist was also asked what he thinks the reality contestant will think about this topic, once he is abroad. Without hesitation, Süller answered: “Emma kissed the whole house.” Big Brother“He can’t say anything.” Then, He preferred to qualify his sayings: (Emma) He takes it with safe humorif we were fucking. “I don’t want to cause any problems in your relationship, Nico is nice to me.”

Despite being aware that Suar and the participant of Big Brother They are in a stable relationship, the blonde did not miss the opportunity to express his feelings. Although at the beginning of the conversation he admitted to TN Show that he liked Nico, he once again reinforced what was previously stated with a spicy comment: “Nico deserves much more than Emma, ​​he did have infidelities and so on. “He deserves someone like me.”

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