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A new complaint arises for harassment against Miau Astral – Publimetro Chile

At the end of May, the internet exploded after a complaint of harassment against from the well-known astrologer and influencer, Consuelo Ulloa better known as “Astral Meow”. The man who was a victim of these actions by Ulloa showed dozens of emails he received that ranged from loving, obsessive, threatening and violent tones.

The musician who made this accusation, He filed an appeal for protection against Consuelo Ulloa, and it was accepted by the Court of Appeals. A few days after this complaint was made public, another man came out to give his testimony and claimed to have gone through a similar situation with Meow Astral.

Sábado Magazine provided new testimony from another person who accused him of being a victim of harassment by Ulloa. The way he met Consuelo was the same, through the Bumble dating application, the man with the initials FH said that after “a conversation and the same night I went home. Then we saw each other the next day.”

The same modus operandi

“And I think one day it was for my house, because we lived nearby. One weekend I told her I was going to go see her, but I went to see a game with some friends, I got better and didn’t make it.. I was already afraid because it was about ‘my love’ and things like that, just like the other cases, everything very quickly.”added the complainant.

He asked her to tone down the intensity of the relationship, so Consuelo agreed to distance herself, but soon began sending him messages unilaterally. These went from romantic messages to insults like: “When you least expect it but not too late, you will stop having clients and money, no one will want to fuck with you because you will be fat, hairy and greasy.”

Other phrases he wrote were: “Get off the pony, ask for forgiveness”; “What other hue… Does it have to happen to you so that you understand that you are not the center of the universe? Is something happening to your children? “Who the fuck is Florencia and why do I have to dream that I’m fucking you?”; “I have been feeling you for several days and last night I dreamed of you again. For like the ninth time in a year, you appear energetically and I don’t understand what you want.”

FH assured that He didn’t block Astral Meow for fear that she would find other ways to locate and harass him, This left him more certain that he was not going to be surprised by another means.

“We lived for months in fear”

He mentioned that it was important to give his testimony because it is an important experience. “And that it is not something about gender. It is not because if she had been a woman perhaps she would have treated the issue differently, as has been said, but because it is necessary to take it into account for what it is. “This is worse than the Netflix series,” he counted.

“A psychological violence that is another hue*. I and the other people live for months in fear. Under threat of death. Threatening me with old thingslike I was unfaithful to my ex-wife in 2017. Things that were solved. I always had a constant fear, like that feeling when you almost get run over in the street, but permanent. I received 20 messages in one day. In fact, he wrote to me when he learned of Sergio’s complaint.”he continued.

Regarding this message you received when the complaint was made public, Consuelo told him “thank you for not exposing my privacy.” He added that “it’s like all this shit she threw at me is something intimate about her, that we shouldn’t tell it, did you catch me? That they are not attacks, that they are not harassment. I thought that was going to be his defense in the interview with Julio César Rodríguez, as if they had gotten into his privacy.”

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