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Arturo Longton’s sincere response to Futuro’s romance with Shirley

Arturo Longton fue el protagonista de un nuevo capítulo de Sin editar, el espacio digital que conduce Pamela Díaz.

En la instancia, el hermano del diputado Andrés Longton recordó su paso por Tierra Brava, el reality de Canal 13.

“Tenía momentos en que lo pasé bacán, nos cagábamos de la risa los tres con Fabio (Agostini) en la noche”, dijo, momento en que intervino Pamela.

“Con Futuro cuando era tu amigo, ahora ya no”, lanzó entre risas, haciendo alusión al romance de Shirley Arica con el cantante, pues la relación de Arturo con ella no prosperó.

Longton explicó que “estuve en un periodo súper depre donde me alejé de todos. Ellos igual me escriben y yo les escribo de vuelta”.

“Future must be bored too. I told him I was going to accompany him for the New Year and I failed him. Then I had an event in Viña, I didn’t call him either. “I’m upset and now I’m going to start calling him again,” he added.

In that sense, he reiterated that he loves the Dominican very much, despite what happened with the Peruvian model. “I don’t care if I’m with her”he assured.

“Did he fail you as a friend?”Pamela asked him. “No, why? Women are not objects, they are not possessions. It doesn’t matter to me, I’m not possessive. Even if I had something, it doesn’t belong to me,” she reiterated.

Finally, he clarified that he could not currently get together with Arica, detailing that after leaving confinement they did not see each other again.

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