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Marcelo Tinelli spoke about the lifting of his program on América TV: “There is cruelty”

After the program Marcelo Tinelli (64) and El Tirri, intended to cover the Copa América, was taken off the air, the host spoke about that decision and He denied the versions. “There is cruelty,” she denounced.

The first broadcast of Cousins ​​of America (America TV) Last Wednesday it averaged 1.6 rating points. Half of the almost 3 points that Marcelo’s interview with Lionel Messi made last Tuesday on the same channel.

The Tinelli and El Tirri show started on Wednesday with the 3 rating points that he left THE M (América TV at 8 p.m.), but it went down and at the end of the first quarter of an hour it had already fallen to 2 points.

Then, the next day, the channel announced that the second program would not be broadcast on Friday.

The explanation given by the authorities was “because the rights to Conmebol were not obtained. It was a cycle of two programs.”

Something I had already anticipated Marina Calabro in Wool without filter (Radio Miter at 10): “They lifted Marce. It didn’t work, people ran away in a stampede.”

While for his part, Beto Casella He took advantage of the news to criticize the famous driver.

Marcelo Tinelli interviewed Lionel Messi at a chat with friends in Miami. Photo: América TV.

I’m not happy that Tinelli is in this kind of decline. I hope she is temporary, with her new hair and her new figure,” the driver commented with an ironic tone. Blessed TV (El Nueve at 8:30 p.m.).

Marcelo Tinelli’s word about the abrupt end of his program

After seeing the repercussions of the end of his program, the director of América TV spoke in The run run of the show (Crónica TV at 16) and denied the versions.

“FirstI don’t know where this came from. Why did an extremely normal situation get so big? Not a single program of mine left the American screen. I put it in and I took it out of the screen,” explained Tinelli.

“We arrived in the United States on Tuesday and we had so much material on Wednesday that I myself said: ‘Let’s make a program,'” he added.

Marcelo Tinelli and El Tirri in the United States. Capture TV

Regarding the reason for his trip to the United States, he revealed: “We came to work on the networks with El Tirri and Fede Hoppe. We said, ‘We have so much material, let’s put it on America’s screen that day.’‘Let’s do two specials on Wednesday and Friday, one before the game and one after, on Thursday.’ That was the only thing that was scheduled.”

Regarding the low rating, Marcelo justified himself: “Without promotion and without anything the program came out. It didn’t do well in ratings, it’s true, but it didn’t have much promotion either. We didn’t say it anywhere and It wasn’t intended to be done on television either.“.

Then the driver The Dancing added another inconvenience that they had to do their program on American soil: “On Thursday Conmebol told us, clearly, that we could not enter under any circumstances… What’s more, we tried to go and cover the National Team’s practice at the stadium on the day they went to do the field reconnaissance and they took us out.

“They told us that we were complicating them and that we could not do it under any circumstances, neither go on a field nor put up images of the live game because We didn’t have the rights. So to upload it from a phone, to do what we do on Instagram, it seemed to me that it did not provide television quality. In fact I think that There were two radios and two streamings sanctioned and I don’t know if a television channel“Marcelo said.

In that sense, Tinelli assured that the decision was his: “We all said: ‘Let’s not put it on the program’ and I said it myself. This is where it comes from that the American authorities decided to lift it… I don’t understand. I am the programming manager and I said to do it and at another time I said: ‘Let’s not do it now.'”

“I didn’t understand why so much cruelty, but above all from some colleagues even with envy, resentment and hatred, saying ugly things,” he lamented.

To close, the host denounced: “I never understood this cruelty or this ‘they lifted the program’. Saying ‘failure’. It didn’t do well in terms of ratings, but it’s logical and it’s not something tremendous. I don’t understand the very strong cruelty from friendly people, colleague people”:

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