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Juanita Tinelli announced her separation: “Healing and taking great care of myself”

Juanita Tinelli He spoke with his followers through his Instagram account and she said she is single. The driver’s daughter answered some questions that Internet users asked her and according to what she said, she is “healing and taking good care of yourself”.

Through the social network of the camarita, who was the youngest daughter of Marcelo Tinelli and Paula Robles until the arrival of Lorenzo, she shared a box of questions and a user asked her: “Are you in a relationship?“. To which the model responded “no”, along with a selfie.

For his part, Juana Tinelli’s now ex-boyfriend, Mija Mamruth, did not comment on the matter.

Furthermore, in another of the questions that the young woman answered, she was seen crying and reflected: “Healing and taking care of myself a lot.”

Another question the influencer received had to do with “if she was happy.” To which she replied: “I am a lucky for the family I have, so I learn from them day by day. For the people around me that I love deeply. Yes, I am very happy and They motivate me to live and enjoy life as it should be”.

The drastic spiritual turn of Fran and Juanita

The brothers, the result of the driver’s marriage to the dancer Paula Robles, began months ago “a spiritual search and changed their religion“.

According to what was known, Marcelo’s children “received the maximum law of Buddhism“. Regarding religion, they said that “first it was Paula Robles who started the search.”

“She received the Gohonzon, which helps one concentrate to achieve the ultimate state of buddhahoodwhich is the lightning and the tranquillity greatest thing that can happen to one as a person,” explained journalist Lucas Bertero at that time.

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