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“Thank goodness I got out of there”

Sandy Boquita recordó su polémica relación con Gary Medel, la que data de hace 15 años.

La argentina fue invitada Que te lo digo, donde Sergio Rojas y Luis Sandoval le consultaron por este antiguo romance con la figura de La Roja.

Sandy Boquita “peló” a Gary Medel

In the program, the blonde said that their relationship – which took place during Gary’s first stage at Boca Juniors – was not an affair, but it lasted “months”.

“No, if he had the taste in the balls” (sic), he added.

Let us remember that in 2014, after a CHV report, Medel raised his voice against speculation about the Argentine, ensuring that he never had a formal relationship with her.

Give this woman a minute who has no shame. “I want to clarify that it was a touch and go.”he said on that occasion, according to Cooperativa.

Faced with this, ‘Boquita’ criticized the athlete for denying it.

“Weird the ‘touch and go’ that introduces me to the mother, father, twins, mother of twins, cousin, etc.“, he said at that time.

Now, ‘Boquita’ indicated that the footballer “was not a good boyfriend.”

“In the background, Is Gary like men who date a pretty woman to show her off, not to make her feel like the most beautiful?“Rojas asked him.

Given this, Sandy was categorical: “I was like a cook, nanny…”.

“Thank goodness I changed and got out of there“, concluded the trans-Andean.

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