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The crossing of Majo Martino and Ricardo Canaletti, a threat of resignation and the plea of ​​Carmen Barbieri


The crossing of words between Majo Martino and Ricardo Canaletti in the program Very early in the morningwhich leads Carmen Barbieri for eltrece, surprised everyone. Last Tuesday, Martino went on air from New York, United States, where he traveled to cover the preview of the Argentina-Chile match for the Copa América, which was being played that same night. Without imagining it, he experienced a situation that he did not like at all and awaits the journalist’s apology.

What happened? While she was talking about the Argentine national team, the police specialist was clearly heard saying: “Who will Argentina’s next match be with? Let’s see, Leo, because “I don’t think the girl knows.” Far from ignoring the comment, Martino, Entertainment specialist, responded: “Yes, Canaletti. Yes, Mr. sexist, I know. You weren’t there last time, Carmen, but when Canaletti found out that Eugenia and I were going to cover the Cup, he said: ‘Send the girls to cover fashion in Milan.’ But I tell you that women can also talk about football and do this.” And when he left the air accused Canaletti of being a “bad partner” and posted it on their networks.

Immediately after the crossing, Canaletti got up from the table and left the air without saying anything, which surprised everyone even more, including Carmen Barbieri herself. From that moment on, rumors spread that the journalist was very angry and was going to resign from the program.

Eugenia Clemente, producer of the cycle, assured THE NATION that Canaletti had left the table unexpectedly because he had a meeting regarding the Loan case and went to the news desk on the 6th floor of the channel.

Meanwhile, Barbieri He spoke with LA NACIÓN about what happened and expressed his point of view, although she claimed not to know if he had really left the program. “They say he resigned and at the same time also that it continues until the end of the month and leaves. I just left him a message saying How are you going to resign? Let her come to work tomorrow, and if Majo feels offended by something she didn’t like, she apologizes and that’s it, she continues working. We are colleagues and we got along so well… The truth is that what happened really hurts me.”be sincere.

Also Majo Martinostill from New York, gave his version and told THE NATION: “We return to Buenos Aires tomorrow, so I don’t really know what happened on the floor after the crossing. Today I went on air and he wasn’t there. Then they told me that I had resigned and after a while, that I didn’t. The truth is that I don’t know what the situation is. I’ll find out. I don’t understand why he’s angry, honestly. The problem was that a colleague he disrespected me on the air and I don’t like that, obviously.”

Canaletti, for his part, preferred not to speak. Canaletti is known to have a difficult character and it is something that all of his colleagues talk about in a low voice.

Barbieri also spoke in Intruders (America), about what happened: “I hope it was nothing more than an impulse. Canaletti is a funny character, I tell him that he is an old bastard. I thought he was playing but no, he told me: ‘I’m leaving, I’m not happy being here, I’ll talk to production.’ And he left “.

Then she added that as far as she knows “Majo and Canaletti get along great” and added: “But if I have to take care of someone, I take care of Majo more than Canaletti. If she was offended by something he said, I’m the first to stick up for her. Later I found out that Majo had said that Ricardo was a ‘bad teammate’ and then I said: ‘This was serious… it wasn’t a game.’ Really a shame. “What happened was unexpected.”

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