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What is Claudia Bahamón’s family relationship with Laura Londoño?

‘MasterChef celebrity’ premiered a new season on Colombian television. In the figures presented day by day by ‘Kantar Ibope Media’ it can be seen that the program is among the five most viewed formats, likewise, on social networks it stands out as a trend.

Claudia Bahamón is the presenter again and every night she plays the role of mediator between the participants and the juries.

Recently, actress Laura Londoño, who won the 2023 season of ‘MasterChef Spain’, was invited to play the role of judge and, in the process, provide some of her experience to the contestants.

The protagonist of novels such as ‘La ley del corazón’ or ‘Café, con aroma de mujer’, also had the mission of choosing the ingredients that celebrities would use to prepare a dessert, which in the end left Vicky Berrío as the winner.

In the middle of the program, Claudia Bahamón took advantage of Laura’s visit to confess to the participants and the jurors that a family bond unites her and the actress.

According to the 45-year-old from Huilsense, Londoño is married to a cousin of hers. The husband of the winner of ‘MasterChef Spain’ is Santiago Mora Bahamón, a filmmaker with whom she had her two daughters Allegra and Micaela.

Who is Laura Londoño’s husband?

The couple met at a film festival in Cartagena, thanks to a mutual friend; despite this meeting, they stopped speaking for almost a year.

Subsequently, they began a courtship and, after five years, decided to get married in 2018. On social networks they share family content that usually generates messages of congratulations and affection from their followers.




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