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Is showbiz returning to open TV?: Channels recruit panelists

For some time now, the show programs that were installed on cable television have gained notoriety. Along these lines, a panelist from “Latin Zone” He assured that his colleagues would be negotiating with open TV stations to enter various entertainment spaces.

For several days there have been rumors of the alleged recording of a pilot for a program in the style of “Foreground” in Mega. According to information from some media such as Publimetro, if it materializes, this will be led by Francisca García-Huidobro and will have the support of Mario Velasco (Latin Zone) and Michael Roldán (TV+).

In this regard, the two have delivered brief statements, reiterating that both are currently focused on working on their respective channels. However, in the last episode of “Zona de Estrellas”, Velasco’s colleagues wanted to know more about the arrival of show business on open TV.

“I am very happy and calm here where I am doing my work. I understand that the offer could be in the hands of my representative, who is ultimately the one who will decide if I move from this place to wherever. “I don’t handle those types of offers,” were his statements.

Far from being satisfied with her response, Adriana Barrientos – in addition to highlighting the fact that other channels want to recruit Velasco – decided to raise her voice and launch striking statements. According to what La Leona claimed, her sources revealed that in addition to Mega, Channel 13 and Chilevisión are also reportedly creating entertainment shows on TV.

Is showbiz returning to open TV?

Barrientos postulated that Manuel González and Hugo Valencia could be part of the return of “Red carpet” through the screens of Channel 13. On the other hand, the other station that would have contacted Mario Velasco it would be about Chilevision.

Finally, Adriana Barrientos postulated that another of her colleagues, Claudia Schmidt would have been contacted by TVN to star in a showbiz segment in “Hello, everyone”. “So I want to tell you right away, friend Pablo Candia, that we are going to say a very nice farewell to all these people,” he shot.

It should be noted that, in response to his statements, none of his colleagues present responded directly. The only one who clarified that she does have plans with National Television was Shcmidt, who specified that she is invited to an episode of “Now I fall!”.

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