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A famous streamer caught cheating? His girlfriend asked him for explanations live

WestCol has quite a remarkable personality. The Colombian streamer is known for doing what he wants, not bowing his head against anyone, and being controversial. However, he cannot always move forward, and on this occasion it seems that the live situation has become complicated.

Aida Merlano, his partner, would have reproached him for allegedly cheating while he was doing a live show. He tried to explain himself and denied everything, but she didn’t believe him and ended up leaving. Javi Oliveira was in charge of recovering the videos in which the entire discussion can be seen.

A live discussion

As shown in the uploaded video, it is the Aida who decides to speak clearly with WestColtaking advantage of the fact that it is on stream: “On TikTok there are viral things about you being unfaithful to me“He denies the older woman from the beginning, pointing out that he does not know who she is: “I don’t know that woman at all.”

Of course, Merlano was not going to be fooled just like that, and he showed her that he was: “25 days ago the bodyguard went looking for her. It’s your turn to tell the real story because if not everyone is saying you’re breaking me up.“.

WestCol, caught in an alleged infidelity by his partner on stream

Given this, WestCol Of course he had to tell the truth. Yes, he knew her, but he defends that that girl was not for him, but for a friend: “I saw the old one, I saw that it was beautiful and we brought it here for one of the partners. If I show it to you you’re going to get angry. She is talking, what she is is hurt because I didn’t want to go with her“.

Of course, Aida did not accept this, and was clearly angry: “I love this, because then I can flirt with whoever I want. Is it okay for you? “It’s to clarify the new terms of our relationship.” The streamer tried to explain himself, but was unable to convince her: “Normal, my boyfriend uploading an old woman and flirting with the old woman like it was nothing. Am I an idiot? I come out laughing because I believe in you so much, I trust you so much…“.

And the girl with whom he would have been unfaithful has told her version: “He made me go to Dulcinea, where he has a private room, I went, we started talking. It’s a big lie that I wanted to take him. It’s like I’m the reason why he’s not so much of a man. He wants me to look like the bandit, the whore…”

WestCol later clarified the situation

After the discussion, WestCol closed the stream, but soon returned to show the conversation, In which you can see how the girl tries to get closer to him and sends him messages like: “I wanted to see you again”. On her part, he answers her, but there seems to be no signs of infidelity.

Westcol explains that he was not unfaithful

What’s more, there is part of the conversation in which they point out that WestCol accompanied her to the bathroom, but that he was very respectfulso it is assumed that nothing happened between them, at least as far as the conversation itself can confirm.

WestCol has apologized to Aida, and has explained that the situation has arisen because the girl, after seeing that he did not answer her, tried to get his attention by pretending that something had happened between them. “Since he didn’t succeed, he went out to talk shit. He talked to me yesterday and today all this shit came out. Respect, woman“.

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