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The conflict that Furia’s sister would have caused to the production of Big Brother


The departure of Juliana Scaglionebetter known as “Rage”, was, like his stay in Big Brother (Telefe), a scandal. According to THE M (América TV), there would be several conflicts between the participant’s sister, Hammock, and the production of the program. First because of the complaints he made a few days ago and then because of the business he wants to generate outside of the production company and the channel in charge of carrying out the reality.

Each edition of Big Brother Since its premiere in 2001 it was unique. Not only because of the number of moments that transcended over the years, but also because of its players and what they achieved once the cameras were turned off. Some remained in the public’s memory, others managed to make an artistic career over the years and many were forgotten because they did not know how to take advantage of the sporadic fame that comes with the most watched program on Argentine television.

“Furia” was the great protagonist of this edition of Big Brother for his particular way of being, his strategies during his stay and the large number of fans he garnered in his almost seven months in the game. The problem now is that the player became an ideal figure for television because of her way of being and her reactionary attitude.

So much so, that the Chilean version of this game wants to have her among its participants, but the problem is how the business will happen, if she accepts. Coy, his sister and main advisorwould like to negotiate with the program on his own, but Kuarzo and Telefe would not accept this decision.

One of those who referred to the subject was Ángel de Brito this Wednesday night. “Kuarzo and Telefe with a bolonqui with Furia. They want it for Big Brother Chile. So far so good, but The sister wanted to negotiate outside, that is, without Kuarzo and without Telefe. You look so green, my dear,” she said. Yanina Latorre, meanwhile, responded: “The best thing that can happen to Furia is to stay with Telefe because she is not Madonna. Three minutes of fame don’t last long.”

At that moment, the entertainment journalist spoke to the camera. “Fury: clean up your sister now and keep the three balls clutched, then time passes”the host suggested, and then expanded: “Today there is shouting between Furia’s sister and one of the channel’s most important producers, it starts with G and he is the one who is dealing with all this.”

Coy entered the Big Brother house to visit his sister on more than one occasion. Capture: Telefe

“She’s the one who drives Fury crazy. She has to work as a panelist and analyst for Big Brothersaid Yanina. Likewise, she added that, for the moment, the sister cannot enter Kuarzo. “It threatens everyone,” she noted.

For now, Juliana Scaglione’s future job is unknown and it seems that there are many who want to have her among their ranks. Although she did not win the contest that she delivered 50 million pesos (more interests), she became a person of influence with a large audience that supports her and that will probably consume her in her next work project.


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