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The heated discussion between Aida Victoria Merlano and Westcol: was there infidelity?

Recently, content creators Aida Victoria Merlano and Wetstcol have become a trend on social networks, because during a live broadcast they began to argue about alleged infidelity.

It all started because a user told her followers that the streamer had invited her to get on a box at the Dulcinea nightclub in Medellín. When the Barranquera girl found out about this situation, she asked her boyfriend for explanations, to which he confirmed that they did share some time together, but her friends were there and nothing compromising had happened.

“She is an old woman that I knew, we were in Dulcinea and the old woman wrote to me that I looked nice, she was there, but nothing happened,” said the paisa.

In the live broadcast you can hear that Aida is quite upset by this situation: “You were flirting with the old woman,” she told him, to which he responded: “I wasn’t flirting with her, my love.”

At that moment, the content creator questioned her boyfriend about how she should act in this situation: “If you find me doing something like that with a guy, what would you do? Would you break up with me?”

The paisa tried to explain to him that nothing had happened and revealed that if the situation were the other way around, he would also be upset: “I would continue with you, but I would be very angry, I know that you must be angry, but try to understand me. There was never any bad intention, I swear that when we were going to leave, she wanted to go with us… What you think could have happened was because I didn’t go with her. I didn’t want to go with her. The old woman is angry, hurt, what is that old woman doing saying that?

After this explanation, Merlano said that she was very angry and that she was no longer thinking clearly.What has me like this is that chat. My boyfriend climbing an old woman and flirting with the old woman like it was nothing, do you think I’m an idiot? I’m going to tell you one thing, I’m in this relationship betting on love, supposedly because it has to be built,” he commented and a few seconds later Westcol ended the live broadcast.

They reveal the chats of the alleged infidelity

After the live broadcast ended, the woman in the conversation Nataly Morales, who is a model and owner of a women’s aesthetics business, revealed the screenshots of the conversation with Westcol. In these it is possible to show that the paisa did write to him, but there was nothing compromising.

After this, the streamer published a new video in which he apologized to Aída Merlano and commented that Morales only wanted to dirty his name to gain fame.

“I apologize to my girlfriend, that I love her with all my heart, because in the middle of this operation, she has to live through this situation. The old woman wrote to me yesterday and since I didn’t answer her again after a month, she decided to call attention again…Since he couldn’t do it, he went out to talk shit… He wrote to me yesterday, why do you think he wrote yesterday and today all that shit comes out…? Because I ignored his life. So, respect yourself, woman, and respect yourself too,” she assured.

Likewise, in his Instagram stories he published the following message: “I am sad and I feel sad because I know that I also screwed up, I have no reason to be with women in my box without my girlfriend being there, I was always a gentleman and I respected her, she herself tells me so in the chats, but I made the mistake of continuing to talk to her.”

In addition, he assured: “Everything she uploads is edited, on stream I denied everything she is doing, she says that they have videos but then she says that we took her cell phone, the friend who started the movie with her now threw herself back, in His story says that we kissed and that’s it, but now he says that I have him small., I ask you not to give it the attention it seeks and to turn the page. For my part, I will be more careful from now on to who I speak to and who I don’t.”.

So far, the Barranquilla woman has not commented on this situation again on her social networks.




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