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Julia Fernándes’ decision in Win or Serve strained Fran’s romance with Austin: Pangal and Oriana intervened

Julia Fernandes arrival to Win or Serve? (Channel 13) and, from the outset, as expected, it strained the incipient relationship of Fran Maira with Austin Palau, since the Brazilian declared that “from outside, because of common friends we have, I love Austin; I find him very handsome”, to which the youngest responded that “I’m not jealous”, something that your mbest friend of the bulls, Oriana Marzoli, He didn’t believe him at all.

Minutes later, The Brazilian had the chance to choose a date with some of the leading men and —surprise— she chose the Peruvian native. “It will be a pleasure,” he replied. “A friend introduced us (before the confinement) and she is very pretty in every aspect, so there is quite a bit of conversion to talk about,” he argued. And to further the discomfort of the ex-Big BrotherJulia exchanged beds with Fran, leaving the newly admitted girl next to the boy.

Then Fran left alone to change her clothes, and his friend Pangal Andrade He approached her and asked her: “Are you okay?” to which she replied that “nothing is wrong,” although she later showed her annoyance: “… but well”, He launched. The extreme athlete, meanwhile, stated that “it is not Austin’s fault.”

Then, Austin approached Fran, who seemed distant, asked her if she was upset, and she told him no, although her attitude indicated the opposite. “Have a good time,” he shot before walking away from his slut.

The distance between Fran and Austin

Austin spoke with Pangal, who told him “having accepted the dinner is great, but you never said anything in favor of Fran; You should have mentioned her, just that.” “I didn’t think about mentioning something that, for me, is obvious,” the Peruvian explained about their relationship. “But it’s not obvious to her because she’s 23 years old,” he replied. While, Austin defended that he also did not like that he said about him “it’s there, take it”as if downplaying his romance in front of Julia.

On your side, Fran, speaking with Oriana, retracted that phrase, so both were self-critical. Meanwhile, Rai Cerda commented that “I, who have known her for a long time, turned red, and she is afraid to show her feelings so much.” alluding to the moment when they made her open up to the other members of the house about her relationship with Austin.

One way or the other, Dinner between Julia and Austin took place, while Fran took the role of serving the improvised couple, very kindly, although in the kitchen she took her time kicking the trays.

In any case, That date would not generate major repercussions since Fran and Austin continue their relationship outside of confinement, Even a couple of days ago they were seen together at the Santiago airport, considering that the reality show is several weeks out of date.

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