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Rosario Bravo threw Daniel Fuenzalida into the water for an alleged love affair: the host’s blunt response

In recent weeks, some rumors have emerged related to Daniel Fuenzalida. According to some rumors, the host has changed his ways in recent times, an issue that was even confirmed by those closest to him.

For the same reason, in Que te lo digo they wanted to delve deeper into this controversy and contacted Rosario Bravo, their partner in the How are you guys?a podcast they make together on the web.

However, beyond answering the question about her supposed transformation, the communicator accidentally threw the former Huevo into the water by loving him.

“I don’t know what his social life was like before, he gets along very well with my husband and I am friends with his girlfriend,” Rosario confessed, leaving everyone in awe when she revealed that her colleague was in a romantic relationship.

In fact, that situation gave rise to the same program, Luis Sandoval He will contact Fuenzalida to ask him about that “chip.”

“I don’t talk about my private life, but the woman you see in that photograph is getting to know each other,” the TVN face responded to a post he had recently shared on his social networks.

On the other hand, and to return to the topic of hair loss due to his behavior and to find out his opinion about his new lover, Sergio Rojas contacted his ex-partner, Alejandra Chocair.

“The truth is that I’m not interested in what happens with his life or anything. “We both know that this is not the Daniel that one knows, that he is like another Daniel at this moment,” Indian.

“And nothing, I wish him the best, for my part I am very calm, very happy and at peace. I think we both know that money in life is not the most important thing, that it comes and goes. And friendships last for years or time,” she concluded.

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