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Paris Hilton revealed abuse as a teenager

02:41 PM

Is a Paris Hilton very far from the one that poses for the world’s photographers every time there is a social event. This time, with writing in hand, He wanted to raise his voice for the children and youth of the United States. and before the Ways and Means Commission in Washington DC he spoke about his traumatic experience when he lived in a boarding school under state custody.

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As a teenager, Hilton struggled with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This led to her poor grades and even more frequent absences from school. “Someone recommended that her parents send her to a treatment center for children,” NBC News reported. It was specifically at Provo Canyon Elementary School, and she talked about that time in her life in her memoir, Paris: The Memoir and also in his documentary: This is Paris (2020).

Hilton’s story

In these recent statements, the first thing she clarified – the heiress of the Hilton empire – is that her experience was not in the foster care system, but that did not prevent her from knowing, in an experiential way, “the damage caused by being taken to residential treatment facilities for youth,” he said, and then came the most heartbreaking testimony.

When I was 16, they took me out of my bed in the middle of the night. and transported me across state lines to the first of four residential youth treatment centers. These programs promised ‘healing, growth and support’, but instead, they didn’t allow me to speak, move freely, or even look out a window for two years.

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The staff forcibly gave me medication and sexually abused me. They grabbed me violently and dragged me through the hallways, They stripped me naked and locked me in solitary confinement.

“My parents were completely misled, lied to and manipulated by this industry for profit, about the inhumane treatment I was experiencing.”

Paris Hilton leads a cause for the protection of children and youth, That is why after his statements he asked at the Capitol: “So, can you imagine the experience for young people placed by the state without regular supervision?”

“Hilton is calling for child welfare programs to be modernized to prevent other young people from suffering the same experience she had,” confirmed international media such as El Mundo of Spain. She hopes that her testimony will be helpful, especially for young people with fewer resources who, no matter what, must be admitted to these centers.

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