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Karen Sevillano confessed that she will undergo an aesthetic procedure on her face

Karen Sevillano was one of the participants of ‘The House of the Famous Colombia’, in its first season, who gave the most people to talk about on social networks, due to her way of being and the conflicts she had with others, such as This is the case of Martha Isabel Bolaños.

Thanks to her spontaneity, the woman from Cali managed to be the winner of the reality show on June 17, second place went to Julián Trujillo and third place to Miguel Melfi.

After this event, the woman returned to the real world after four months of being locked up with other celebrities, and thus resumed her work as a content creator.

Karen has activated the question box on Instagram on several occasions to interact with her more than three million followers and reveal what her experience in the house was like.

Karen Sevillano returned to reality after her time on ‘La casa de los famosos’

In this way, Sevillano confessed that, for the moment, the ‘Canal RCN’ has not paid her the 400 million pesos that she earned. “They have asked me that. They have not paid me that money. Oh, my God!” said the ‘influencer’.

“An accountant who comes out to give explanations. I am left with about 130 million pesos, because I owe some cheese and some panela, and one has to pay,” he added, laughing.

In other publications made on the same platform, the woman announced that, after four months of being on the ‘RCN’ program, she will undergo a necessary procedure for her skin.

Sevillano went to her dermatologist to have her skin deep cleaned, something important to her and something she couldn’t do while she was in ‘The House of the Famous’.

The content creator took advantage of her visibility to advise her followers “not to be afraid to invest in their skin,” as the results will be positive.




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