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Suri, daughter of Tom Cruise and Kate Holmes, omitted her father’s last name at her graduation ceremony | TV and Show

Surithe daughter of the famous actor Tom Cruise and Kate Holmes decided not to use her father’s last name during her graduation ceremony in New York.

This was reported by the Los Angeles Times newspaper, as reported by EFE. At the event, which took place last Friday at LaGuardia High School in New York, USA, the 18-year-old girl chose to be called “Suri Noelle” instead of Suri Cruise.

This name change is not new, as Suri also used “Suri Noelle” earlier this year in a school production of the musical “Head Over Heels.”

Noelle is the middle name of her mother, actress Katie Holmes, according to the Los Angeles Times.

While the young woman was graduating, Tom Cruise, known for his role in the saga “Mission Impossible”is currently in London filming a new installment of this action film series.

Suri was born in 2006, shortly before her parents got married. The couple split in 2012 when Katie Holmes filed for divorce.

In addition to Suri, Tom Cruise is the father of Bella, 31, and Connor, 29, whom he adopted with Nicole Kidman during their marriage.

But the actor’s daughter is not the first in Hollywood to make this decision. So far, at least four of the six children of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, have decided to stop using their father’s last name at public events.

Thus, Maddox, Zahara, Shiloh and Vivienne, have omitted the surname of the star of Mr and Mrs smith at university ceremonies, at presentations of works, as well as other public events.

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