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Ricardo Mendoza from ‘Hablando Huevadas’ reveals how he conquered his girlfriend Katya Mosquera

Who is Ricardo Mendoza’s girlfriend and what does she do? ATV: ‘Magaly Tv La Firme’.

Ricardo Mendoza He is living a beautiful stage in his life because he announced that he is in a formal relationship with Katy Mosquera after having a brief public romance with the actress Mayra Goñi.

After he made his romance with the crew member official through his television program YoutubeRicardo began to tell various details about his current girlfriend, detailing that she is a mother and has a one-year-old child.

This has sparked the curiosity of his followers, who did not hesitate to ask him how he won over his girlfriend, who is a flight attendant for a major airline in Peru, and if he has plans to get married.

Ricardo Mendoza He opened the question box on his Instagram account so that his followers could ask him about his work and personal life. The comedian had no qualms about answering each of his fans’ curiosities.

One of his followers wrote to him: “Storytime of how did you meet your skinny girl?” To which the comedian from ‘Hablando Huevadas’ was brief, but quite direct.

Jorge Luna’s friend commented that he met Katya Mosquera on a flight she took with her ‘HH’ team as part of her tour in Europe. She also confessed that they were immediately attracted to each other and after asking for her phone number they began to write to each other.

“I met her on a plane and she immediately hit me. Then we cross-checked and reported,” he explained. It should be noted that the last phrase is a general term used by pilots so that each member of the crew can check what the other is doing.

Ricardo Mendoza from ‘Hablando Huevadas’ reveals how he conquered his girlfriend Katya Mosquera. Instagram.

But the questions did not end there, another Internet user dared to ask her if there were any plans for her relationship in the future and if they were already thinking about getting married and having children. In Mosquera’s case, it would be if she would dare to have more children.

Ricardo responded in his usual fashion and said that it was too early to think about it. With your current girlfriend, wedding plans, son? “We have 2 crazy months of shit hahaha crazy”he pointed.

Ricardo Mendoza from ‘Hablando Huevadas’ reveals how he conquered his girlfriend Katya Mosquera. Instagram.

On more than one occasion, Ricardo Mendoza He has said that he does not want to have children and that fatherhood is not in his plans. But it caught our attention that she started a romance with a couple, she has a one-year-old son.

In an edition of ‘Talking Bullshit’Jorge Luna decided to make a flirtatious comment about his friend’s girlfriend in front of the entire audience that attended one of his shows at the Canout theater in Miraflores.

Jorge paused the show and said that Mosquera is a mother and made a mischievous comment to his colleague, reminding him of what he used to say about children before falling in love. “So they know that that girl has a son. “Don ‘hate’ babies.”, He said ironically, causing everyone present to laugh.

To the surprise of the public and the laughter of everyone, Ricardo Mendoza He nodded and made a comment about his current girlfriend, making it clear that he is very much in love with her. “Indeed, she is a mother, which makes me admire her more.”he mentioned, while Luna showed that she couldn’t believe what her partner was saying.

Despite this, Ricardo Mendoza reaffirmed his position and said that he does not want to have children, but that does not mean that he does not like children. He revealed that his partner’s youngest child is one year old and he has not met him yet. He is clear that the time could come to share with the child, but the opportunity has not yet arisen.

The comedian found himself between a rock and a hard place after his colleague’s comment on live broadcast. However, he stood firm on his stance. | YouTube

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