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Fury, from GH: his childhood, the pain of the death of his parents and the crossings with his brothers


Juliana “Fury” Scaglione It is a before and after in the history of Big Brother. Her personality, as explosive as it was fascinating, marked the reality audience with fire. And during a talk with THE NATIONThis charismatic player spoke about her past, the difficult moments and what she dreams for her own future.

-How did the nickname “Furia” come about?

-It started when I was 26, when I was teaching a practice similar to Tae Bo. I would get up on stage with a microphone, my energy began to attract more and more people and that’s when they gave me the nickname Fury. I became a fighter, a combatant.

-What are you like outside the house? Because inside the house reality you looked like you had your head very much in the game.

-I am a very structured person, very professional. I always understood that that was a reality showbut I am super strategist.

-Was there anything that beat the strategy?

-Yes, the heart. When I started the game I was very cold, but then you start to get along and in the final stage you are with your colleagues from six months ago, who are your family. There it is very difficult to do things to do, I am very empathetic and that worked against me. Then I started helping my teammates, I forgot about myself and prepared a final for others to be there.

-What are the limits you cross as a player that you wouldn’t cross in real life?

-On the outside, I know that a society exists, so I behave on the street like a lady. But inside, Big Brother It allows you to play in all ways, there is nothing censored, no bad language or fighting with someone. I don’t do that on the street, but in a reality show Yes. Maybe there were times when I was exhausted by the long period I had been through and I let out a little bit of shouting, when I couldn’t stand living together any longer. I lived with people I didn’t choose and there were a lot of personalities. It’s not the same as when you live with someone you choose and love. Here you are with a lot of lions, a lot of egos and at some point that explodes.

-When do you feel Fury emerging?

-I don’t like injustice, I’m a fighter and that’s where Fury comes in, that’s something I carry inside me.

-And what does the name Juliana represent for you?

-Juliana is a pretty strong name, my mother gave it to me. Juli is a girl and inside the house I begin to see a childhood that I was not able to experience, something that amused me because it allowed me to show many cute characters. Juli is a girl who wants to shine and wants to have fun. But Juli became a woman very quickly because mom and dad died, and then I had to take care of very difficult things, and put into motion what my mom did of taking charge. Juli couldn’t live a common adolescence, Juli had to become a woman quickly, so the house let me show a little more of that little girl Juli, who has fun, who gets angry and who has feelings.

-What would Furia say today to that younger Juli, who went through so many difficult times?

-That the difficult moment was over, that the time to have fun had arrived and that Furia’s dream had come true. I went to Big Brother For the prize, I went for the money to have a better quality of life. We all have a little Fury inside, although many do not expose it so as not to fight. And we are Argentines, we are passionate and what I want to say to that Juli is that the time has come to dream and that beautiful things are coming.

-Would you change anything from your entire life story?

-No. I think that life taught me and if it made me experience all that it is because now I am very well on my feet and I can handle it. Beyond the fact that I did not seek fame, that is a price that I have to pay, because now I can’t go out to train or walk down the street, because people love me so much that they want a photo with Fury. There is a lot of love and I have to find the moments for myself. I thank life that people love me so much, because that love that I lacked is being given to me by the public.

-Why do you think you touched such a special chord with viewers?

-Because I was authentic. Fury in itself is a character, but I was authentic with my feelings. If she made me happy, it was real and if she made me angry it was temporary. And if we had to do a show, there were participants who understood that, so I would get completely naked for the show. reality.

-There is a lot of talk about your sister Coy as a possible bad influence. How would you describe her and what importance does she have in your life?

-My sister occupied a very important place in Big Brother. When she enters the house, notice that she talks about Ho’oponopono, she comes to tell me that I am magical, she tries to clean me up, because I didn’t understand what was happening outside. I have a hate that didn’t stop and there was a part that I wanted to censor so as not to show the beautiful part of me. It is also sold that I am a great villain, but Coy came to tell me: “Focus here, love yourself, love yourself, show that beautiful thing you have.” I grew up with my brothers and I am a little bit of each of my brothers, Coy, Chanel, Ezequiel and Andrea.

Fury, after leaving the Big Brother house

-What was the family dynamic like when you were a child?

-In my house there were seven of us in total. My childhood was very nice, but when 2001 came, I was about twelve years old, my dad lost his job and everything started to be a mess. My dad supported everything with his work, he did very well, but then I saw how everything fell apart. My brothers were older, little by little they were taking off, but I was always with my parents, because she was the youngest.

-How old were you when your mother and father died?

-I lost my mother at 26 and my father at 31. Yesterday marked two years since my father passed away. That was on June 26, so we send a kiss to my father, who is in heaven and is helping me.

-Do you think about what they would tell you today?

-I wish my mom and dad were alive so they could see this crazy thing. But I know they are watching from heaven.

-How do you imagine Furia ten years from now?

-What I always say is that I care about having a full refrigerator. I had a bad time at times, in 2001 and then at 31 years old. All I want is to have a full refrigerator. Then, work, whatever it is, welcome. But my concern, and because I come from a family of Tanos, is the food. As long as I have work and food, I will be happy. I entered Big Brother I wanted a better quality of life, because if I won the prize I would be able to have my own gym, and that was my goal. But the program also told me that I have some beautiful qualities: I sing, I dance, I act, and that opens up other kinds of doors for me. I am a great communicator, I love to connect, so we have to see what comes next.

Are you worried that this phenomenon you represent is something temporary?

-It is very likely that it is like that, as happens to anyone who leaves Big Brother, that everything lasts a while and then that’s it. But it seems to me that I won over the people, because Fury is like the song of (Gustavo Cerati: Buenos Aires is the fury (“In the city of fury”, Soda Stereo), and for some reason many were reflected in me. You have to stay intelligent over time and I think I am a great reference today. There are people who love me and others who bought sensationalism. The only thing that matters to me is the other, I am not selfish and it would be nice if they started to know me because now I want to show the outside world who Juli is.

-A rumor began to circulate on social media claiming that you are a cousin of Santiago del Moro’s wife. Is that true?

-Hopefully! But no, not at all. What I am going to tell you is that Santiago is a great professional, he loves us all equally. When I left, the first thing he did was tell me to focus on my profession. I want to work and Santiago, beyond being a television host, I see him as a great reference. So how can you not listen to it?!

-How is your health?

-I have my diagnosis, I have leukemia but I am lucky that it is untreatable and asymptomatic. I have a vitamin B12 deficiency, which means I spend my time eating bananas and eggs.

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