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Mateo Carvajal gave fun Paisa accent classes to his son, Salvador: “Hey, sisas”

Mateo Carvajal teaches his son to speak Paisa – credit @mateoc17/Instagram

The winner of The Challenge 2017 He caused tenderness on his social networks after appearing in several stories with his son, Salvador. The athlete and businessman also shared a moment full of humor and tenderness in which he teaches the three-year-old child to speak Paisa.

Mateo’s classes were to help the boy become an “authentic paisa,” after he commented with humor that his son already has a Bogotá accent. “Gentlemen, this day has come, Salvador is speaking rolo,” joked the content creator while the boy denied it and asked his father how they speak in the city of Medellín.

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“Ask me something, I’ll tell you if you’re speaking Rolo or Paisa,” said the influencer. Salvador tried to hide his intonation and his father could not hide his laughter. Later, Carvajal dedicated time to teach his son some of the most characteristic words and typical phrases that the Paisas use such as: “Hey, sisas,” “Hey, good one, my boy,” “Mor,” “Mamasita!” and “Hey, beautiful!”

Salvador tried to replicate each of the words his father taught him, and he tried so hard that Mateo couldn’t hide his happiness and pride. “You did spectacular, you are already a real paisa,” said the influencer Colombian. The video quickly went viral and the content creator’s followers managed to enjoy a fun moment.

This kind of social media posts allow the influencer Stay close to your audience and let your most intimate side be seen alongside your son, as an excellent relationship with Salvador is evident, beyond the separation he had with presenter Melina Ramírez.

Mateo Carvajal shares all his plans with his son Salvador – credit @mateoc17/Instagram

Some time ago, in conversation with content creator Carolina Ocampo, Carvajal assured that it is essential to respect Salvador’s decisions and tastes, despite his young age. “The child has never been forced to do anything, that was a golden rule. We are very respectful, even when he is so young, of his decisions and tastes.“, he claimed.

The upbringing of the little boy has generated controversy on social media, as they claim that he is obliged to follow in his father’s footsteps, since the minor surprised with activities such as sports and interest in tattoos. Due to this connection, the influencer has involved Salvador in his sports routines. “It was a surprise that the child likes almost all of his father’s things; he started with that association,” he said.

Salvador’s dedication to the sport has been so notable that even A major sports brand has sponsored the little boy to participate in competitions in the United States.

Son of Melina Ramírez and Mateo Carvajal goes after his third medal in Miami – credit @mateoc17/Instagram

For his part, Carvajal assured that he has never tried to manipulate the minor into having an inclination towards sports. He influencer She shared a video on her social media in which she ran a 5-kilometer race alongside her son, the emotional moment reflects the family connection.

Both Melina and Mateo were proud on social networks. “You triumphed champion!

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