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Lali Espósito’s nod to Pedro Rosemblat with the memorable phrase that Cristina Kirchner said to the journalist at an event

Lali Espósito enjoys her love with Pedro Rosemblat (Instagram)

“Take note, Pedro,” was the remembered phrase that Cristina Kirchner He said several times addressing Pedro Rosemblat during an event last year at the reissue of the book After the collapse. Conversations between Torcuato Di Tella and Néstor Kirchner. At that time, the journalist accompanied her during her presentation and was in charge of moderating the meeting that was organized at the headquarters of the Metropolitan University for Education and Work (UMET).

During this Thursday afternoon, Lali Esposito He remembered that moment with a photo in his feed Instagram. There, the artist could be seen with a cup in her hands with the inscription: “Take note, Pedro.” Her followers immediately reacted to the singer’s wink and, even, her partner left her a tender message that aroused many ‘likes’ among her fans. “It is infinite how much I love you,” expressed the journalist, demonstrating all the passion he feels for his girlfriend.

It is worth remembering that during the memorable conference in which Rosemblat moderated Cristina’s speech, when presenting some slides, the former vice president of the Nation requested the collaboration of the journalist. “Come Pedro, I’m going to dictate to you”, I “ll guide you. “Oh, my nerves, God,” said the presenter in response to the unexpected request. “Write this down, Pedrito, write this down, please. Write this down carefully, the country is watching you, my dear.”the leader told him and then began to give him a series of instructions.

“This could be the end of my career”Rosemblat said before starting to write with a marker what Cristina was dictating to him. She asked him: “Put 15 points here. Come on, big guy. Can you write a little better? Now I wrote 8.29% here. This is all we could call social spending. Write down 0.12% and 0.27%. Now you’re going to have to add. The percentage is not necessary. And now score 4.75%.” “Very good, now add up,” was the last indication of the then vice president before having him add by hand the figures that she wrote on the blackboard.

Cristina Kirchner’s instructions to Pedro Rosemblat, one of her militants

Since she met Pedro Rosemblat, Lali Espósito has not stopped sharing images and phrases with her boyfriend. A few months ago, when the relationship began to become public, the singer shared selfies in front of a mirror, next to other postcards such as a Prince album. Among all the photos, she chose to share a super romantic reflection on how she lives her relationship with the entertainer.

Until then I had only shared some things with a few others. Until then I had enjoyed or suffered the blows of ordinary love, the drama of the days when one proposes a shared project, a more economical and sustainable way of facing life in this world,” she wrote, openly about her love life.

“Until then I had tried with others but no one had discovered me. Until your eyes, which seemed to recognize something lost and recovered, no one had seen me,” she said, and her emotional words generated joy among her followers, who celebrated this stage of great happiness that the artist is experiencing.

Since they started their courtship, the couple has been united on different occasions. Among the most notable, at first, were the images of his first vacation. They chose Uruguay from where they showed what their beach days were like, next to the sea and pure romance.

“I am happy. Even my hands.”Lali had said in Billboard in the preview of Cosquín Rock, shortly before her controversial appearance at the festival, after she confirmed that her relationship with Pedro was a fact, after weeks of rumors and speculation. “I’m fed up with mittens,” she joked. “I’m very happy,” she said, smiling as she summarized how she feels today with a smile. “That also revitalizes one,” she concluded.

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