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Tula Rodríguez and her time as a star: how much did she charge per performance?

Tula Rodríguez and the amount she earned when she was a showgirl.

Tula Rodriguez has captured everyone’s attention after it was revealed the exorbitant amount she earns as a television presenter on IRTP, with the program ‘Good, pretty and brave’, which exposes communal pots in order to obtain a benefit for their community.

However, this would not be the first time that the ex-dancer She makes a lot of money from her work. Tula Rodríguez has managed to consolidate a television career that spans several years, starting out as a comedic actress, showgirl, and moving on to being an event host, television presenter, and actress.

One of the golden ages of Tula Rodriguez, It was when I wore feathers and sequins. At that time she was one of the most sought after along with her great friend Mariella Zanetti. At the time, they charged in dollars, so many claimed that they had the luxury of setting their rates for going on stage.

In this regard, Tula Rodríguez gave an interview to ‘Café con la Chévez’ by Carla Chévez de Trome in October 2023, where she talked about her time as a star. In the talk, Javier Carmona’s widow was asked if it was true that she earned 5 thousand dollars for each appearance as a star with Mariella Zanetti. The now actress did not deny this figure and only pointed out that ‘they charged what they wanted’.

Tula Rodríguez and her before and after.

“We were conceited, if you want, otherwise I wouldn’t go. My thong and I were conceited. If Mariella didn’t go, I wouldn’t go. We had closed ranks. We were the real pains. We charged what we wanted. We knew it was going to be full. Yes, well, we have been abusive. I have never left a show unfinished. Once my stage was a truck, my dressing room was a motorcycle taxi,” she said about her experience.

With this response, the former dancer made it clear that she did have high fees for her events as a vedette, so it is likely that her costs per show would be in the range of 5 thousand dollars or even more.

Magaly Medina he exposed in his program ‘Magaly TV La Firme’ that Tula Rodríguez received a payment of 32,600 soles for her work on TV Peru. The television host works on this antenna as a presenter of a program on weekends, however, for the ‘Urraca’ there was a doubt as to whether this amount would be received as a monthly payment for her work as a host or only for her trip to Cusco for the special program of the Inti Raymi. In addition, Medina pointed out that the money could be used more efficiently.

“You would have to ask him, right? What is your budget? How much did they pay you to take her to Cusco? Apart from the fact that she is one of her staff drivers who is paid 32,000 soles. But there, when you arrive in Cusco, how can you tell the people of Cusco, whether it be Arequipa, whether it be Ancash, which region of Peru cannot come and say, ‘I don’t know anything, I’m going to come and learn,’” she said indignantly. the ATV figure.

Find out what career Tula Rodríguez studied

In addition to being a presenter on the TV Peru program, Tula Rodriguez She has resumed her acting career on América Televisión. Although she was previously a presenter on shows such as ‘En Boca de Todos’ or ‘Emprendedor Ponte las Pilas’, she is now the star of a television series by Michelle Alexander.

Tula is part of the series ‘The Others Concha’ where she plays the role of ‘Estela Vargas’ and shares roles with actors such as Milene Vásquez, Julián Legaspi and Paul Martin. In this way, he has managed to keep two jobs, even though they are from different channels.

(Paula Diaz Elizalde/Infobae Peru)

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