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why he was urgently hospitalized in Uruguay – Paparazzi Magazine

Silvio Soldán became news just a few hours ago when they released a statement in which they revealed that the famous singer is not in the best of health and for that reason he had to cancel some performances. That was not all because it was learned that he was urgently hospitalized.

It was at LAM where Ángel de Brito decided to give more details: “He was giving a very long note to the country, and he started to feel bad during the note and said ‘I feel kind of sick.’ “They thought it was a stroke, because he was dizzy, with strange symptoms and they took him with an ambulance to a clinic.”

Angel revealed that the environment of Silvio SoldanHe had quite a scare” for the health of the famous. It was then that the host decided to go further and added: “The production people tell me that they took a terrible hit because Silvio is 90 years old. He is now resting, he is in his hotel in Cologne, lying down. He wanted to come back today.”

The statement from the team Silvio Soldan says: “On behalf of the production of Silvio Soldán and DOS GRANDES VALORES DEL TANGO, we wish to inform you that Mr. Silvio Soldán moved today to the city of Colonia to begin a tour of our show.”


During the ferry ride, he experienced discomfort due to the movement of the ferry. Despite this, Silvio continued his commitment to our press conference to promote the features. However, due to his worsening condition, we chose to seek medical attention at the local hospital.“, it reads.

And ends: “With logical concern and our priority for his well-being, the doctors performed the relevant tests and confirmed that it was an episode of motion sickness. Therefore, we have decided to reschedule the tour for the month of August, allowing our esteemed artist to rest and recover in Buenos Aires.”

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