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What Lourdes Sánchez said about the fight between Chato Prada and Fede Hoppe

After the repercussions that arose from the end of the employment relationship between Fede Hoppe and Paul “the “Chato” Prada, Lourdes Sanchez gave a note to Show Partners where he delved into the speculations that arose with this topic.

I think they decided to take different paths.. They worked together for many years, they did not fight, they continue talking,” Lourdes began by saying in a note that she gave to the program they host. Rodrigo Lussich and Adrian Pallares by the thirteen.

Photo: Capture (eltrece)

Pablo has other things on his mind, he likes TV more perhaps. Fede may like theatre more.“added the dancer, differentiating the tastes of the producers when facing their work projects.

And he closed: “I don’t know either, I’m deciding. I’m talking to you about my husband, who I know loves television. I think that for me he is the best TV producer and they actually took different paths.”.

Lourdes Sánchez: “Pablo has other things on his mind, perhaps he likes TV more. “Fede probably likes theater more.”


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After the repercussions that arose from the end of his working relationship with Chato Prada and amidst the speculations that arose in this regard, Fede Hoppe broke the silence and recounted in depth the details of what happened. In addition, he revealed how he reacted Marcelo Tinelli with this news.

“I’m fine. The truth is that Chato is someone that I love very much and that we have a beautiful story. There is not much more to it than that. You know that I am not one to clarify, nor do I like to speak much publicly, but it is about someone I love and everything is more than fine. We were never fighting, this has to do with something strictly work-related,” the producer began by saying in a note that he gave to THE M.

Photo: Capture (America)

Regarding his connection with Chato, he remarked: “Personally, everything is more than fine.. In fact, yesterday, we saw each other. It is a 100% labor issue. We worked together for a long time and now we don’t, and that doesn’t mean I’m wrong with him at all. It’s something I talked to him about and everything is super clear. When we work, we always respect each other a lot. Obviously, working as a duo has another responsibility and also another way of working.”

“I’m fine. The truth is that Chato is someone I love very much and we have a beautiful story.”

Driving a car with two steering wheels is not the same as driving a car with one.. We got everyone used to the idea that there were always two of us in a place where there was always one. But that was our way and it gave us very good results. The truth is that we always work very well. Whenever he needs something from me, I will be there and I feel the same way about him towards me,” he added.

And he concluded: “I went straight to him and he was the first person I spoke to. It was in mid-October last year, it’s been a long time since I spoke. I sat down with Chato, we talked for a long time and I explained everything to him. I told him what I felt.. I can’t tell you what he feels, that’s up to him. I always spoke to him with a lot of love, I spoke to him from a very healthy place and from something that I feel. Everything is fine on our side and I feel it on Chato’s side too.”

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