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Releases coming to Filmin in July 2024: movies and series | Smart TV | Smartlife

We are going to show you the premieres what the platform has planned Filmin for its users to enjoy during the month of July 2024 (when many of them will be on vacation). There are quite a number of movies and series, and all of them always in search of a quality and depth different from what is usual in other services… but they are still a very good option to pass the time.

The movie The Abbess, which lands on Filmin on July 19, is one of the possibilities that you should keep in mind. In the 9th century, Emma, ​​a young woman of only 17 years old, was appointed abbess with the strategic purpose of repopulating and Christianizing the border regions that were in constant conflict with the Moors. This encomienda not only had religious implications, but also political ones.

Upon arriving at the abbey, the protagonist is confronted with a hostile environment filled with distrust. Medieval society, accustomed to male supremacy in leadership roles, looks with skepticism at this determined and brave young abbessHer determination to fulfill her mission puts her in the crosshairs of various powerful groups. The nobles, jealous protectors of their privileges, the peasants, fearful of change and impositions, and the nuns themselves, who are not used to receiving orders from such a young leader, become her first opponents. With a mixture of cunning, intelligence and an unbreakable will, she begins to implement her vision.

Among the series, what we are going to highlight is Shetland, which can be seen on the service since July 16. We are talking about an interesting dramatic series with a police tone that follows the complex journey of detective Jimmy Pérez. The narrative takes place in the isolated and majestic Shetland Islands, which, despite their apparent tranquility, are permeated with an atmosphere of mystery and hidden conflicts.

The protagonist returns to his homeland after a long absence. Shetland, with its rugged landscapes and unforgiving climate, is the home he left behind to pursue a career as a researcher. Upon arriving, Jimmy encounters a case that shakes the foundations of the small island society. A young archaeologist discovers human remains that reveal violent deathsa disturbing sign that Shetland’s dark history has not been buried as deeply as once believed.

The rest of the releases coming to Filmin in July 2024

We show you the long list of options that are new to the platform we are talking about, as you will see there are a good number of options that can be chosen:


  • Until I Kill You: Season Premiere July 9
  • Beast: Season premiere on July 23


  • A Life Like Any Other: Premiere on July 5
  • Ghost Portraits: Premiere on July 5th
  • Little Loves: premiere on July 5
  • Animalia: Premiere on July 5th
  • Omen: premiere on July 12
  • The Tower Without a Shadow: Premiere on July 12
  • Defying the Nazis: documentary premieres on July 12
  • How to have sex: premiere on July 12
  • Tough Men: Premiere on July 19
  • From the rearview mirror: premiere on July 19
  • The Successor: Premiere on July 26

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