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María Becerra cooked fried cakes on Spanish television and surprised everyone: “I am the queen”

Maria Becerra prepared fried cakes

Just a few months ago, Maria Becerra and his couple Julian Reiningerknown in the music world as J Kingthey undertook A travelling adventure along the roads of Córdoba, and experienced life in a motorhome for a week. That trip, shared through her social networks, showed a more intimate side of the singer, away from the stages and lights, immersing herself in the natural beauties and the daily life of life on the road.

In the middle of the journey, she shared in a video the details of the interior of her temporary home, as well as the step-by-step of what she called “fried road cakes””. He included eggs in his preparation, an ingredient questioned by some of his followers; and a sugar bath, also objected to by those who consider that it is unnecessary in this type of preparations.

The images remained in the collective memory and even in Spain they were surprised by the preparation, to the point that when invited to the cycle The resistance She was asked to make this typical dish live. Thus, in the midst of promoting her tour in the European country, the Argentine artist took advantage of her appearance to share a signature recipe from her family.

María Becerra in Córdoba

We are going to make something that is an Argentine tradition, fried cakes, do you know them?“the singer asked the host of the show, David Broncanowho showed his curiosity about what was about to happen. “I am the queen of fried cakes”, the singer continued saying, later clarifying that this nickname was self-imposed. After that, it was the turn to present a table on which the dough was already prepared and stretched, as well as a frying pan with oil on an electric burner and a jar with sugar.

Then, Becerra proceeded to cook the preparation by clarifying that “this goes barehanded”, as he placed the disks of dough in an oil that, at first, did not seem to be very hot, just as the panelists warned him. However, she achieved her goal and, upon removing her from the heat, only praise was heard in the studio, intrigued by how she would like it.

The applause from the audience was not long in coming when they saw the golden color of the fried cakes. The singer then began to add sugar, but in such a large amount that many were reluctant to eat such a large quantity. Despite everything, she stressed that this is how one eats them. “Chin chin of fried cakes,” she said. The girl from Argentina and the driver proceeded to test them. His response was blunt: “It’s good, but of course, it’s flour with sugar“He shot back, which caused an undisguised look of disgust from Maria.

“How beautiful, how they come out, very fluffy,” María Becerra highlighted when trying her preparation.

It is worth remembering that, already on her trip to Córdoba, the artist had explained the ingredients and the cooking method. “We just stopped because Juli is going to fill up the water tank at a gas station. So I’m going to take advantage and leave the dough ready.”, he said, looking at the camera as he began to prepare. Afterwards, he placed a volcano of flour on the table and explained: “I don’t want to make so many fried cakes because it’s just the two of us.”. Thus, in the middle of the volcano he added the melted fat, and then added three tablespoons of sugar and two eggs. The next step was to knead until a uniform dough was obtained, which was left to rest covered by a towel.

After a considerable time and when they had already found a place on the side of the river, they decided to park and continue with the work, so while the fat was melting so they could fry them, she began to shape them, one by one, and then continue with cooking. Once they were ready, and on absorbent paper, it was time to sugar them, as the couple preferred. “How cute, how fluffy they come out!“, she stressed.

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