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Janet Barboza blames Ana Paula Consorte for Paolo Guerrero’s poor performance in the Copa América: “He is not comfortable with a woman like that”

Janet Barboza blames Ana Paula Consorte for Paolo Guerrero’s poor performance in the Copa América.

Janet Barboza is once again in the middle of a controversy after recounting an episode from the past, receiving a private message from Ana Paula Consorte, soccer player’s partner Paolo Guerrero. In a latest edition, the host of the ‘América Hoy’ program stated that the Brazilian contacted her through social networks to express her discontent with a comment that Barboza made about her relationship with Guerrero. All of this made the presenter blame the Brazilian for the player’s poor performance in the Copa América 2024.

Barboza assured that Ana Paula’s message came through Instagram and that, although Consorte is still learning Spanish, the message was perfectly written. The host did not reveal the exact content of the message, but she made it clear that she was surprised by the harshness of the words.

“The writing was perfect, the account had the blue check, it was her account. But that’s not going to stop me from saying what I think. For me, that Paolo Guerrero has not had a good performance in the Copa América or whatever we are, the culprit is Ana Paula Consorte for everything she has done,” commented the popular ‘Rulitos’ on her program.

According to Barboza, Consorte’s message dates back to September 28, 2022, when the relationship between the Brazilian and Paolo Guerrero was in its early stages. She also commented that she couldn’t show it publicly “because of the schedule.”

Janet Barboza tells Ana Paula Consorte to be grateful for the opportunity Paolo Guerrero has in Trujillo.

At that moment, the companion of Ethel Pozo and Brunella Horna had publicly lamented Guerrero’s break with his previous partner, Alondra García Miró. Apparently, that statement was what triggered the reaction of the current couple of the soccer team.

“He had a flowery verb, what can I say… I think Paolo needed peace to say goodbye to what would be his last Copa America, but he hasn’t had that peace. She was at the hotel, looking for him, making vox populi all the problems you had, from here to there,” said Barboza, while the producer, Armando Tafur, who already had the message, shared it in the group of presenters they have, internally.

This is how Ethel Pozo and Brunella Horna also visualized the message. Although Gisela Valcárcel’s daughter wanted to read a little, she only stopped at her initial greeting: “Hello, Janet,” but she did not continue reading. Given this, Janet Barboza explained: “You can’t read the first word because it starts out flowery.”

“If this is how she is writing to a person she doesn’t know, what will it be like in her daily life, what will it be like with Paolo, those fights, what will be said. That man is not at peace anywhere with a woman like that.“Barboza assured, suggesting that the relationship between Consorte and Guerrero could be affecting the footballer’s performance.

Janet Barboza criticizes Ana Paula Consorte once again. (Video: América Hoy/América TV).

This is not the first time that the host has harshly criticized Ana Paula Consorte, Paolo Guerrero’s partner and mother of his two youngest children. On more than one occasion, the host of ‘América Hoy’, Janet Barboza, has questioned the Brazilian’s attitudes.

“Then the tantrum, the crying and going against the mother-in-law were of no use. (…) I think they won’t even want to give her sugar, she has a bad character. You don’t remember when they told her ‘Ana Paula, I love you’ and she looked at them indifferently. She does not want. “She doesn’t want friends in the country,” he said in March of this year, after Consorte arrived in Trujillo to be with Guerrero, after all the conflict that arose when the team signed with Richard Acuña’s César Vallejo club.

At another time, he also did not hesitate to call her “misplaced” and “spoiled”after Consorte made evident his rejection of Brunella Horna, wife of Richard Acuña and club director César Vallejo. “No, not with that girl. No, thank you very much, she says a lot of things that are not true,” was what the footballer’s partner said about ‘Baby Brune’.

Faced with this, Janet Barboza did not remain silent: “We have a rather out of place Ana Paula Consorte. I don’t like spoiled people, I don’t like it when I see a person with whims and outbursts.”

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