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Influencer behind Mildre Cartagena comes out of the closet and receives support from her fans

The renowned content creator Katherine Pascuales, who gives life to the character of Mildre Cartagena, shared on her social networks a piece of news that she had been keeping for a long time out of caution towards her parents.

“I’m not heterosexual,” Katherine Pascuales began by saying in the video posted on her Instagram account. She then reflected on the fear she feels about the reactions that outsiders may have, especially older women who follow her and who identify with the role of Mildre, the universal mother of the Caribbean. Read here: 10 curiosities about Mildre Cartagena on her birthday

“She is going to kill me if I make it public,” she said about her mother, for whom she asked for respect since she would not like to be approached on the street and make comments related to her sexual orientation. “I’m going to move forward no matter who is proud of me. I am doing this for myself and I am proud to be who I am,” she highlighted through tears.

Finally, the influencer who for years has won the hearts of Cartagena and the Caribbean, stressed the importance of her family in her life, hoping that this statement does not bother them and on the contrary, brings them closer together. “I would like my mom to be proud of me for everything I have done,” she added. Read here: Mildre, a character that honors the coastal mother

Within minutes of posting the video, hundreds of followers applauded her bravery in making this important decision: “I think many of us knew it. You are still the best, don’t think about what people will say, you are pure talent”, “nothing to be ashamed of, you lose friends, you gain respect and there are those who are… A fraternal hug, brave woman”, “I am a mother and at the end of life we ​​just want our children to be well, to be happy”, some wrote.

Mildre Cartagena was born the day Katherine Pascuales opened the closet, took out six curlers, a guajira robe and a tape measure. That day, the coastal mother who represents the upbringing of Caribbean women, especially from Cartagena, came into the world. With her typical way of scolding, her religious beliefs and the humor with which she takes the details of daily life, Mildre won the hearts of the mothers, daughters, aunts and grandmothers of Colombia.

After graduating in psychology, without really knowing where to focus her career, Katherine decided to start imitating her mother and a neighbor. She opened a social network, named it Mildre, and began posting videos that generated a very good reception among Internet users, thus consolidating the beginning of a project that exalts the place of the coastal mother in the world.

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