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Cande Tinelli’s strong message for the criticism she received about her body: “Sorry for not having meat”

Cande Tinelli’s defense against those who think about her body: “I don’t want this to happen to people” (Video: Instagram Stories)

Cande Tinelli She opened up more than once and publicly about the struggle she had against anorexia and bulimia. She even also complained about how, from social media, She keeps receiving comments about her bodyIn the last few hours, the daughter of Marcelo Tinelli reflected on the comments he received on his Instagram account, where several of his followers emphasized if I had more or less kilos.

“This is a clear example of that You should not be influenced by opinionsbecause they are other people’s views and visions that go beyond one. Whether good or bad, each one sees them as they want. You don’t have to pay attention to what the other sees or believes about me,” she wrote. Then she shared two opposite comments about her figure on her stories. The common point, she said, was the frivolity with which they commented on her physique.

How pretty. You have a few extra pounds. It looks spectacular on you.”, one woman wrote to the designer. “Less meat than Easter. Nah, lie. You’re beautiful.”another told him. The comments did not go unnoticed by Candelaria and ended with a strong message about the journey she went through and why they do not affect her today.

Cande Tinelli showed two comments from her followers and reflected on the comments she receives about her body (Photo: Instagram Stories)

“I know how I am. I know how I choose to be. I know I’m healthy. I alone know that these comments do not represent me,” she said. “And well, unfortunately, expecting people not to have an opinion about bodies is practically impossible, so we have to be very on axis and sure of ourselves so that this slips us. And also understand that we are much more than the body and the external. Take care of and feed your inner world,” he said.

Then he took a photo, posted it and continued: “In ‘ketoda’ mode I’m going to do what I love most in the world. Sorry for not having meat, for being plumper and also for ruining my body with tattoos and looking like an alien. Sorry also for being the daughter of someone famous and well, sorry for everything, basically. A summary of everything I read daily. If I continue with everything, I’ll stay five more hours and I have to leave,” she replied ironically.

“I’m sorry for not having meat, for being chubby and also for having ruined my body with tattoos and looking like an alien,” said Cande Tinelli.

But it did not stop there. “Do you understand that I wasted years of my young life because of these types of comments or things that were said to me, and that no one returns them to me!? So don’t be as stupid… as I was,” she began by saying, before sharing a video to explain why this topic is so important to her.

“People who tell me: ‘If you don’t care, don’t upload it’, have their point. But why do I upload it? I have a lot of followers and I’m not saying this out of conceit, I’m saying it from a good perspective. It’s something I practically didn’t choose, but I take advantage of it,” she reflected, speaking directly to the camera.

“I am trying to communicate this because I know that there are people who have a bad time because I had a bad time reading comments like that. I’ve been locked in my dark room for weeks, vomiting everything I ate and crying.. Medicated, wasting time in my life being an idiot and I don’t want this to happen to people because it hurts me. I don’t want to allow it,” she said. “I’m going to keep saying it because I don’t want it to happen to anyone because you waste time on things that don’t make any fucking sense,” she concluded.

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