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Pipe Bueno talked about the relationship between Miguel Bueno and Ornella Sierra and revealed what he thinks about his sister-in-law

This is what Pipe Bueno said about the relationship between Miguel Bueno and Ornella Sierra – credit miguelbuenooficial / Instagram

Despite The house of the famous Colombia ended on Monday, June 17, 2024, the attention of millions of viewers is still on some of the celebrities who participated in the show.

Two of the most sought after are content creator Ornella Sierra and urban music singer Miguel Bueno. His obvious connection during the popular RCN Channel program has generated speculation and expectations among his followers, who long to see a confirmed love relationship between the young talents.

Over the past few weeks, the couple has been seen at various events, activities and cities together, including Bogotá, Barranquilla, Cúcuta and Medellín, enjoying special moments, even in the company of friends and family. This is why numerous questions have arisen about how those closest to him have reacted to this link.

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Miguel Bueno and Ornella Sierra have shared outside ‘The House of the Famous Colombia’ – credit to RCN channel

A mystery that was resolved in a recent interview with Miguel and Pipe Bueno on the program I know everythingof the Channel 1as they gave details about their careers and What Pipe thinks of the relationship between her brother and the influencer known as ‘La Barbie costeña’.

The singer of hits like Do not say no to me and Cupid failed He did not skimp on praise for Ornella Sierra and assured that he agrees with the new couple in the entertainment world.

A joke, daddy, give that a first and last name. Her name is Ornella, a partner, very cool. We met recently in Cúcuta, her way of being… she is incredible”, commented Pipe Bueno, highlighting Ornella’s personality and reflecting clear acceptance and appreciation.

Pipe Bueno, Luisa Fernanda W, Miguel Bueno and Ornella Sierra traveled together to Cúcuta – credit Luisa Fernanda W / Instagram

In addition, Pipe Bueno revealed that the family in general has a good relationship with her, because just as the public identified what her personality is like while she was in the reality of the RCN Channelthat is how they have seen her and have known how to welcome her.

I think that just as all of Colombia fell in love with her, we as spectators did too. We think she is a great person.“said the singer.

For his part, Miguel Bueno was asked about the current status of his relationship with Sierra and, although he did not provide further details about the nature of their relationship, he hinted that they have spent time together on several occasions and that they are doing very well.

“We have been seen together, obviously she is also involved in her own thing and is working very hard,” said Miguel.without confirming or denying the rumors about a possible love relationship.

This situation has generated great interest among the followers of both, who continue to speculate and wait for official confirmations about a relationship between the two. Meanwhile, Ornella and Miguel continue to advance in their respective careers, consolidating their presence in the Colombian entertainment world.

With the support of their family and the growing affection of their fans, Miguel and Ornella seem to be on a promising path, both personally and professionally.

Pipe and Miguel Bueno talk about Ornella Sierra and acceptance in the family – credit buernellas_om/TikTok

At the last party The home of the famous Colombia, celebrities experienced a situation that the public had been expecting.

On the night of June 14, the singer Miguel Bueno and the content creator Ornella Sierra had their first kiss and they did it in front of their colleagues and on national television. The two former participants answered the call of the fans, colleagues and the presenters of the program, since They all let them know that they wanted to see them kissing, taking advantage of the chemistry that has been seen in recent days, and they ended up on stage replicating Miguel Melfi and Nataly Umaña’s first kiss.

A fact that generated an avalanche of reactions and comments from the public, left Carla Giraldo’s seriousness afloat, as she disagreed, and her fellow program members celebrated and applauded them along with Lina Tejeiro and Cristina Hurtado.

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