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Manuel Díaz ‘El Cordobés’ speaks for the first time about his daughter Alba’s boyfriend, Marcos Terrones

Having become one of the most popular and beloved contributors to ‘TardeAR’, Manuel Díaz ‘El Cordobés’ was one of the well-known faces who attended the party with which Ana Rosa Quintana said goodbye to the first and successful season of her programme to kick off the summer. Recognising that this new role as a television commentator has been wonderful for him after his retirement from the bullring “because I am very intense and I didn’t want to stay at home either”, the bullfighter’s assessment of these months alongside the popular presenter is very positive. In just two days Manuel turns 56 and, as he told us, he is going to celebrate it for the first time with his father, Manuel Benítez: “We are going to be with the family. I am going to be with my mother, God willing. And with my father too, maybe I will go and see him. It would be the first year together that I would blow out my candles with him. I would love it, I would love it. We will see what we come up with. I will tell you” he revealed with a smile. Regarding the break-up of Vicky Martín Berrocal and Enrique Solís after 4 months of relationship, which the businessman confirmed this Thursday, the designer’s ex-husband prefers to remain discreet: “I can’t tell you about it because I wasn’t really informed either. I always see her as fantastic, but well, life is a bit like that, isn’t it? What I also want is for her to do very well and for her to be happy because that influences the whole family to be happy.” “Long live love, people have to fall in love, I am deeply in love with Virginia and I fall more in love every day” he has confessed. A happiness that he shares with his daughter Alba Díaz, who does not hide how much she is in love with the singer Marcos Terrón, with whom she has maintained a discreet relationship for several months. And for the first time Manuel speaks about his ‘son-in-law’, with whom he admits that he is delighted. “What a great song he has released, I have been amazed. I love the way he sings and I love him because he is a very good person, a very good person and he is making my daughter very happy” he reveals. Therefore, if the influencer made him a grandfather, he admits that he would not mind because “if I see Alba happy, I am happy. I want her to fulfil herself, to continue growing as a professional, as she is doing in her work, which she takes very well. To continue as she is being a better person every day and with those values ​​that we instill in her, which I believe she is bringing out every day.”

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