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Melissa Klug supports Melissa’s harsh criticism of her father Abel Lobatón: “That’s what she thinks and feels”

Melissa Klug refers to Melissa Lobatón’s reproach against her father Abel.

Melissa Klug He made it clear that he will not attend the podcast Jefferson Farfan, father of her sons. “There is no way and I don’t think he will invite me either.”, the influencer told a local media. Despite this rejection, the controversial figure hinted that communication between them has improved.

When asked if she traveled to Miami to be at the America Cup, Melissa Klug He said no, but the former footballer did so with one of his sons. Both are in the United States to attend the emblematic match between Peru and Argentina, which will take place this Saturday, June 29, at the Hard Rock Stadium.

This trip marks a significant moment in Melissa Klug and Jefferson FarfanWell, after being involved in legal problems, the influencer has been motivated to let her guard down, highlighting that her son’s happiness comes first.

“My son is happy, excited, and I’m glad he has that time with his father.”, he added to the Trome newspaper.

As you remember, the last time Melissa Klug I speak of Jefferson Farfan, announced a countersuit if her ex-partner persisted in suing her.

Melissa Klug says she will defend herself if Jefferson Farfán continues to attack her legally.

“It’s exhausting, maybe not for him because the lawyers see it, but if he sues me, I’m going to have to counter-sue because I’m not going to sit back and watch him continue to sue me, because I’m going to defend myself,” said Melissa, who, quite firmly, assured that she will not ask Farfán for forgiveness.

“I’m not asking him to forgive me or anything, I don’t have to ask him. “The only one who asks for forgiveness is God,” he said.

Melissa Klug He also referred to the publication made by his daughter Melissa Lobaton against his father, the former soccer player Abel Lobaton. In this post, the young woman highlights the phrase “dad failed, mom never”, and also expresses her gratitude for the unconditional support that her mother has given her during her upbringing.

“It’s the truth, it’s what you think and feel, nothing can be done about it and I will always be there for my children until God allows it,” said Klug.

These words also had the reaction ofand Abel Lobatonwho justified his failure as a father. According to the former footballer, work consumed all his time.

“It’s part of, if she says I failed, that’s fine. What happens is that if you are not present, logically you will always fail. The footballer is not there on Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, his children’s graduation day and sometimes not even the birth of his son. Is that failing? No, because he was working,” she commented to Magaly Medina’s cameras.

Magaly Medina lashes out at Abel Lobatón after speaking out against her daughters Melissa and Samahara. Magaly TV La Firme

The ATV host strongly criticized the statements of Abel Lobatonwhere he minimized his daughter Melissa’s reproaches. Magaly Medina He indicated that he also had a father who worked a lot, but he was always present whenever he could, taking advantage of holidays and holidays.

“My father wasn’t there on holidays, but he was there on other days. I knew I could count on a father. So, the fact that you are a footballer doesn’t mean you have to neglect raising your children. A father who wants to be involved is an involved father, even if there are holidays, or if he lives in another country. Anyway, now we understand a little bit, when we talk about Samahara, let’s think about the father he had,” he concluded.

Magaly Medina attacks the paternity of Abel Lobatón.

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