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The video of the tremendous clash between Furia and La Tora on the night of the former Big Brother

It all started when, in the middle of the debate, the GH2022 reminded him Rage his unhappy words inside the house about diseases such as HIV. “The thing about the outside world is that you can apologize, but not to your colleagues. You helped a lot of people with illnesses, but maybe you, when you were complaining, also did it with illnesses.”spicy, raised Lucila.

The night of the former GH with Furia and Martín Ku – capture.jpg

It was there when Scaglione interrupted her with a sarcastic laugh, shouting “Look at what she wants to throw at me!”. And although Villar He clarified: “No, no. I’m asking you because you don’t want to apologize to your classmates.”, Rage he upped the ante and stood his ground, retorting with a “No, I thank you!”.

At that moment, The Torah He tried to rephrase his query, asking: “So, I ask you. To the people who felt represented and supported by you or those who didn’t, and felt hurt, wouldn’t you apologize to them?”. But once again, Rage came out with the plugs on point.

No, not at all, because they ran an excellent campaign and it turned out very well. And they did it simply to censor. Both those on your streaming service and my own colleagues. Unfortunately, they are very envious and they are going to have to work on it because I am a very successful person and I am going to do very wellhe sentenced Juliana Furia Scaglione with the omnipotence that characterizes it.

“That’s a personal opinion… You are going to be a queen, have no doubts about thatthe panelist said, trying to tone down the discussion. But once again the coach retorted with her usual fury: “No, not at all. I don’t want to be a queen. I came to this world to motivate and open eyes”.

La Tora Lucila Villar’s clarification after Furia’s accusation of having been censored in her streaming

After this very strong crossing in The night of the former Big Brother (Telefe), minutes later Lucila Villar took the floor again to respond and defend himself against the accusations of Ragewho claimed to have been censored in the stream program hosted by GH2022.

“Let me clarify something. We never campaigned on the stream by censoring anyone, but we do have our personal opinions.”he began arguing Villar.

At the same time he clarified bluntly: “Here we are panelists and we are not fans of Furia like Guercio, Ubfal and Trezeguet”firing a very spicy shot at the model, the journalist and the former GH analysts of the reality show.

Finally, The Torah made it clear to Fury Scaglione the reason for his sayings during streaming throughout the game: “The same thing happened to all of us and it’s not personal”.

Fury and The Torah – capture The night of the exes.jpg

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